Monday, May 13, 2019

Answer To Prayer

Did you hear the story of the young couple who were hopelessly lost at sea? The couple began to pray and, well, let's just say this story has an amazing ending.

It was spring break. Going to the beach and swimming in the ocean sounded like typical things high school and college kids might do. But these two weren't prepared for the strength of the ocean waves and it's tides.

The two had been trying for two hours to get back to shore without success. The girl began getting cramps in her legs as the waves began getting taller. That's when the young man offered a desperation prayer.

“I cried out: 'If you really do have a plan for us, like, come on. Just bring something,'” Tyler.

A short time later a boat showed up and the crew pulled them out of the water. When the grateful couple saw the name of the boat they both began to cry. The name of the boat was "Amen."

Both kids were attending a Christian school and both are also alive now and well and praising God for what He has done for them.

Have you ever had a "God moment" when you knew without a doubt that God was with you? They are so amazing! It is always a wonderful faith booster when we get reminded of God's love and provision in our lives.

"He has rescued us from a terrible death, and he will rescue us in the future. We are confident that he will continue to rescue us." - 2 Corinthians 1:10

Has God rescued YOU yet? If not, all it takes is a prayer and repentant heart for God to reach down and rescue you. Pray a desperation prayer to Him today and see if He doesn't come to rescue you in some amazing way.

"Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth." - Revelation 3:10

Amen - For King and Country
Amen Boat News Story

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