Saturday, May 18, 2019

It's Alive!!!

In the 1931 film Frankenstein Doctor Frankenstein uttered those famous words "It's Alive!" over and over again as the monster he created began to move. He then spoke a few more words that are even more scary.

"In the name of God, now I know what it feels like to be God."

That pretty much sums up what is wrong with the pro-choice movement. They want to be in charge of their own bodies, and "be their own gods." I guess I can see their point to some degree. But when a woman becomes pregnant there is another life, another soul and another body inside her. And that body is not hers alone. Half of that new life belongs to the father.

Here are some interesting, and conflicting, facts about "life" and such . . .

When a pregnant woman gets killed by a drunk driver, the driver is charged with a double homicide by the intoxicated use of a motor vehicle. That's two lives! So a fetus is considered alive in our legal system yet it is also legally okay to kill a fetus if the mother wants to. Weird.

Pro-choice often calls a just-conceived fetus a "lump of cells" and that it's not really alive. Yet, if that same "clump of cells" were to be found on Mars, the headlines in tomorrow's newspaper would proclaim three big words. LIFE ON MARS!

100% of the people who are "pro-choice" were born of mothers who chose life for their child rather than abort them.

When someone dies in the hospital and their heart rate monitor displays a "flatline" they are declared dead. Yet with a pre-born baby, their audible heartbeat seems meaningless in terms of their being declared "alive".

I saw a Facebook post recently from a young friend of mine. She is pro-life and against abortion regardless of the reason - rape, incest, etc. She was a child born as the result of a rape. She was standing up for other babies whose lives are threatened with abortion because of a rape. What a brave, strong young lady.

As a Christian I keep going back to a few verses that make me think that God is against abortion as well. Speaking to Jeremiah, the profit, God said,

5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” - Jeremiah 1:5

Before we are born, God knows us. Think about that. How could God "know us" before we were even born? Unless . . .

The other verse that comes to mind is much simpler - "Thou shalt not kill." - Exodus 20:13

If a heartbeat is a sign of life and a baby's heartbeat becomes detectable around 5 weeks any killing of that heartbeat after that is contrary to God's commands. That's the reason for many of the heartbeat bills in state legislatures across our country right now.

Ephesians 1:4-5 tells us that God foreknew us before the foundations of the world! Let us praise God today that our mothers chose life over convenience. Hope and a future over death and distain.

That reminds me of a story. Someone asked God, "Why didn't you ever cure cancer?" God replied, "I did, but you aborted the person I created to do that."

Winning arguments against pro-choice people is a difficult task. Prayer however is a powerful tool in seeking God's mercy and changing people's hearts. Pray!!

It's Alive! - Frankenstein

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