Monday, September 2, 2019

Act of God?

Why do insurance companies call storm damage "acts of God"? Did God actually cause them? Or are they just naturally occurring phenomenon resulting from warm temperatures and air formations?

Today Florida is going to get hit with a Category 5 hurricane. Wind gusts last night reached 225 MPH. In the days to come we will see news reports of hurricane damage and deaths caused by this massive storm. Did God cause this hurricane to happen?

We know from reading our Bibles that God CAN manipulate the natural environment. He parted the Red Sea, He stopped the Jordan river from flowing and then there was that time when He made it rain for 40 days and 40 nights resulting in a MASSIVE flood.

The proof already exists that God CAN create storms. The question is did He create THIS one and other storms like it? We can't really tell. But what would God's purpose be if He DID create such a storm? Punishment? A warning?

This latest storm is heading right at Florida. It is then anticipated to make a right turn and head north up the eastern coast of the U.S. causing major damage all along the way. What can we learn from this storm?

One, we humans are powerless against it. We can only prepare for it and we will even fail at that. Two, if God wanted to punish us for our disobedience (and we HAVE been disobedient as a nation) this is one way He could do just that.

So what do we do against such a powerful storm and a God that has a long history of pouring out His wrath on disobedient nations?

We must examine ourselves, repent of all our transgressions, and turn in obedience to God. You know, the very God we are taking out of our schools and our government. The One whose babies we are killing on the altar of convenience. And the One whose throne we have placed ourselves upon rather than lifting HIM up. Yeah.

"26 The disciples were even more amazed, and said to each other, “Who then can be saved?”

27 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God." - Mark 10:26-27

Did God cause Hurricane Dorian? I don't know. Only God knows. Would God have reason to create such a thing to dole out punishment to the disobedient?

Absolutely. He's done it before. We just never learn. But we must become MORE than simply obedient. We must become disciples in addition to being His obedient children.

Hello Hurricane - Switchfoot

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