Monday, April 13, 2020

The Cure For Fear

Easter morning I opened my Bible and read John 20. What a chapter! It tells the story of Jesus AFTER He was crucified. I had read the story before several times but when I got to verse 19 yesterday, it was like I was reading the story with a brand new meaning. Here is that verse.

"On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” - John 20:19

The disciples were all together in a locked room. How like you and I as we huddle inside our homes during this time of quarantine and social-distancing. The disciples were afraid. It says in verse 19 that they were behind locked doors because of their "fear of the Jewish leaders."

They had locked themselves in a room. Why? Because they were afraid.

How like the disciples are we! Living in fear of an unseen enemy, somewhere beyond our locked doors. I'm sure the disciples had many doubts about what was going to happen next in their lives. Would they too be captured and killed? And what of their leader? This man who said He was God. He was dead! What shall we do?

And then it happened. The turning point in their lives and in their faith. OUR faith. Jesus entered the room. The room with the locked doors. And said, "Peace be with you!"

I think it's worthy to note that the first words uttered from Jesus were about having peace. He basically was calming their fears. It is also worth noting that the sentence Jesus spoke ended with and exclamation mark, not a period. It's more than just a greeting. It's a command!

After Jesus met with His disciples, guess what happened. They all left the room. There was no fear in their hearts. And they spread the Good News, the Gospel, to everyone they met. What will WE do today? Will we hide in our rooms for fear of the virus? Maybe. Will we preach the Gospel to all those we meet? We should. That too was a command from Jesus.

"And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." - Mark 16:15

What are you doing today in your "locked room?" Will you live in fear? What would Jesus want you to do? You have the Internet. Why not reach out to those you love?

Exhibit your peace and tranquility through faith in Christ to those who have no peace. They need the message you have behind the locked doors of your heart. Open the door. Step out of the room! Let your love spill out onto the streets around you. Take that love with you wherever you do.

"Peace be with you!"

Special thanks to Chris Tomlin and his family for the inspiration for today's story.

John 19
Good, Good Father - Chris Tomlin

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