Saturday, April 18, 2020

The Rebel In Me

What is it with us humans? Half of us want to do whatever the government tells us to do while the other half want to do just the opposite. How to tell what is right and what is wrong?

One thing that always gripes my cookies is when someone tells me what I can and cannot do.  We live in America - the land of the free for goodness sakes! We are free to make our own choices and, as long as they don't infringe on anyone else's rights, we should be free to make them.

This whole stay at home thing for example. Our governor here in Wisconsin has now decided that we all need to stay "safer at home" until the end of May. That's ridiculous. I understand where he's coming from. He wants to "keep everyone safe." But what about our sanity?

The biggest topic of discussion I have heard talked about during the past several years has been mental health. Heard anyone talking about that lately? No. The news is all corona virus - 24/7. What happened to mental health? Locking someone up in their homes for two months with no income and zero social interaction is mentally depleting.

I'll go out on a limb at predict that there will be an a huge spike in domestic abuse, suicide, depression, alcoholism, and any other "ism" you can think of during this month and next. Why? Because were all cooped up in our homes. We're slowly going crazy! So much for mental health.

Do you remember this Bible verse?

"Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's" - Mark 12:17

Jesus spoke those words. We, as followers of Christ, are to obey our government's laws EXCEPT when they conflict with God's laws. For example, abortion. It is a lawful thing to do in our country. We are to obey that law. Yet God says "do not murder." It's one of the ten commandments. So what do we do? God wins out. Therefore I personally will oppose abortion so should any Christian. Those who perform abortions will answer to God one day. So will those who support it.

What about the stay at home executive order? I think that we should obey the governor's wishes as much as possible. I also feel that "his wishes" are very close to violating our constitution and Bill of Rights. The Constitution say "we have been endowed by certain unalienable rights." By whom? OUR CREATOR! I therefore have decided to stay inside . . . except when I feel the need to go out and exercise my rights. Freedom of assembly. Freedom of worship.

We should be smart but we should also be wary. There are too many politicians lurking around with agendas of their own. Many are not interested in what God thinks, only in what THEY think. And that's where the rebel in me says, "Enough!"

Be smart! Think! But do what is right in God's eyes. We are His. He is our King. Read that verse again. "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's." We belong to God!

Look, I will stay inside. But if there is a church service somewhere, where everyone is worshiping within the social distancing guidelines set up by Caesar, I am going! No matter what Caesar says.

Come, Now Is The Time To Worship - Phillips, Craig and Dean