Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Free Will

If I have free will why can't I yell 'FIRE!' in a crowded movie theater? That's a false question. Anyone CAN yell fire in a crowded room. That is the free will part. The problem comes when our free will words and actions conflict with the current laws. Decisions CAN have consequences.

A store puts up a sign that says 'masks must be worn to enter'. We have free will to enter without a mask. Is it a law that we must have a mask on or is it simply the store owner's free will to put the sign on the door? What IS the law?

God has told us that we must have no sin (zero) in our lives in order to enter heaven. If we've only sinned a little bit, can we still get in? No! This is part of God's law.

The words "free" and "will" makes us think that we can do whatever we want, and that's true, to some degree. But sometimes our decisions effect others or break laws. Than what?

The latest free will choice is the vaccine mandate. 'You must take the shot or you will be fired.' Time to make a choice. Notice it's a "mandate" and not a law.

What is our free will choice? We can find a new job or sue to retain our current job. What do we do when our free will clashes with someone else's free will?

What would God have us do? He has told us to obey our ruler's laws, except when they conflict with HIS laws.

A time is coming when we will have to make another choice. This choice is referred to in the Bible as 'the mark of the beast'. It will be a free will choice. If we refuse to take the mark we will be unable to buy or sell. That, and we will get our heads cut off, but other than that . . .

Will we choose the mark so that our lives will be easier? Or will we chose to refuse the mark in order to follow God's will for our lives. WE must make a choice.

How will YOU choose?

"But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.” - Joshua 24:15

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