Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Yours Mine and His

There have been a lot of people expressing their opinions lately about a great many things. Opinions are like noses - as they say - everyone has one and most of them smell.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. It's a free country, right? At least it WAS. What's YOUR opinion?

Facts should be our common currency in the marketplace of ideas. But those seem harder to come by than $2 a gallon gas these days.

Honesty, truth, and integrity should be the norm in any civilized society. So, why do we struggle so much trading in those three commodities? The answer is simple.

We have misplaced our worship.

The Apostle Paul probably described us best 2,000 years ago in his letter to the Roman church.

"For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being." - Romans 1:21-23

Think about it. Aren't we worshipers of 'self' rather than God? Don't we value our own opinions more than God's truth?

Consider what the world would look like if we all obeyed God instead of our own selfish desires. Our own versions of the truth.

There would be no war or hunger. There would be no debate over who is male or female. There would be no murder or crime. The world would be filled with love for one another. So, why don't we strive for that? Why do we continue to wallow in our own worldliness?

Read that passage from Romans 1 again. We are lovers of self.

To change that, we must climb down from our throwns and relinquish control over all things to God. And that is our struggle because we choose not to do that. And here we are.

It would take an act of God to change the course we have set ourselves upon. God has had just about enough of the gods that we have created for ourselves.

But that's just my opinion.

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