Monday, August 8, 2022

Interpreting Dreams

Have you ever had a dream that was SO REAL that you thought it was actually happening? Maybe it was SO scary that you got up to check that all your doors were locked. Or maybe it was so wonderful that you didn't want the dream to end. Where do those dreams come from? And why do we have them? Are they from God?

People in the Bible had dreams. They were often really abstract and needed someone to interpret them. Are all dreams that come from God that hard to understand? And how do we really know that they are from God, and not the result of last night's dinner?

When I have a dream that really gets my attention, I often act on it in some way. I might read my Bible when I get up and see if any of the verses carry new meaning due to that dream.

If there are people in the dream I might send them a message to see how they are doing. And I will definitely pray for them.

God spoke to Joseph, Abraham's son in a dream (Genesis 37:5-10). He also spoke Joseph, Mary's husband, about the birth of Jesus (Matthew 2:12-22). Peter also had a dream from God (Acts 2:17). These were all great people in biblical history. But what about you and me?

It's hard to say. I do know THIS though: God can do anything. And whatever He does will never contradict His Word.

When someone appears to us in a dream, that person should at least be prayed for, in detail and at length. And if prayer is all that ever comes from our dreams, that's fine, because we have acted in a positive, God-honoring way.

"He said, “Hear now My words: If there is a prophet among you, I, the Lord, shall make Myself known to him in a vision. I shall speak with him in a dream." - Numbers 12:6

May our dreams lead to God-honoring actions, wherever they come from. Honoring God, even when we are asleep, is a good indicator of our heart's true content.

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