Saturday, March 11, 2023

God's Country

I don't know why I never thought of this before but for some reason I started signing an old patriotic song the other day.

The first half of the first line struck me as being significant. Like I had never heard it before.

You're already singing it, aren't you?

"My country, tis of Thee...."

Question: Who it the "thee?" Well, it's God, of course. Our country is of God. Our money says, "In God we trust." Our Declaration of Independence says this: 

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. "

I would submit to you this morning that our government, and this country, has strayed far beyond its original intent.

As one example of this over reach, the first right mentioned in our Declaration (above), is the right to life. 

930,160 young lives were snuffed out in 2022, against their will I'm sure. Yet the current government of this once great country is trying to make abortion the law of the land.

But that's just one example. For offenses similar to this, and others, our forefathers determined that they would declare their independence and go to war against their oppressors - the British government. 

Who is our oppressor now though? Is it us? Are we ourselves causing our nation to stumble? Or is there someone behind the scenes causing all this hatred and division.

If we are truly living in the last days then the raputure of the church and the beginning of the seven-year tribulation are imminent. And Satan knows his time is short.

This nation was created by a people whose minds were set on things above. We have lost track of our Shepherd. We must return our focus to our Creator.

"So they were scattered, because there was no shepherd, and they became food for all the wild beasts. My sheep were scattered;" - Ezekiel 34:5

We have become like sheep without a shepherd, wandering all over the place. We need guidance, direction and protection from the evil one.

Let us return to God as a nation and embrace the truths our forefathers instilled in our founding documents. Our country 'tis of thee. And so are we.

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