Saturday, July 22, 2023

The Shield of Faith

A friend of mine got a new motorcycle. He was so excited to take his wife for a ride through the beautiful Wisconsin countryside. So off they went.

Later, when my friend woke up in the hospital he wondered what had happened. He had rounded a corner at an intersection and didn't notice the loose gravel on the road, and down he went, with his wife and his new shiny motorcycle.

He didn't see the gravel. He wasn't wearing a protective leather jacket OR a helmet. His body skidded along on the asphalt before finally arriving in the ditch. He survived but to this day he is still not the same.

We need to be properly prepared for all of life's situations, no matter where they come from. Whether it's on a country road, at work, or at school, everyday we are faced with some kind of challenge or attack.

How do we properly prepare for life's challenges and attacks?
  1. Faith - Without faith in God, life will always be an uphill battle. We will continue to struggle in whatever we do.
  2. Repent - Everyone sins. We must turn away from those activities that lead us into that sin.
  3. Prayer - Constantly seek God's help through prayer. Seek His guidance and help.
  4. Obey - God's Word (The Bible) contains examples and truths for us to follow. Read. Memorize.
Life is like an open road. But that doesn't mean we won't encounter bumps along the way. Deer crossings, gravel, intersections, and oncoming traffic are all part of driving.

Sin comes in many forms. Like gravel on the road, we must constantly be looking for it and avoiding it. Only then can we "enjoy the ride."

"In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one." - Ephesians 6:16

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