Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Sword Fighting

Have you ever watched the news and thought, "How can these people not understand what's going on? Well.....

"None of the wicked will understand but the wise will undersrand. At the end of the days you will rest but then you will rise to receive your alotted inheritance." - Daniel 12:10

If we only look at things through a political lense, Democrats can't understand why Republicans can't see things their way. And the opposite is also true. Those darned Republicans cannot understand Democrats and THEIR viewpoints.

I'm not calling one side or the other "wicked" here. This is just and example. However, there IS wickedness in this world and it's part of our job, as followers of Jesus, to recognize it, call it out, and fight against it.

How can you tell if a $20 bill is counterfeit or real? Hold it up next to a real $20 bill. Compare. Discern the differences.

Reading the Bible lets us know what God's will is. "His good, pleasing and perfect will" (Romans 12:2) Our job as Christians is to adjust OUR thinking to align with HIS.

That is why it is hard for us to watch people looting stores or walking off with armloads of steaks without paying. It's wicked. It's against God's will. "Thou shalt not steal" (Exodus 20:15).

It is because "we understand" that the things going on in the world these days upset us. It's good that we are upset. If we aren't, we are part of the problem.

All these things happening in rhe news rights now are prophesied in the Bible. We should know that and understand that. Once we realize that these things have to happen, according to God's word, it's a little easier to deal with.

But God also calls us to prepare ourselves for this battle. If you do not believe in the One True God, if you do not pray or read the Bible, you are going into this battle unarmed.

Ephesians 6:17 calls the Bible "the sword of the Spirit." Pick it up and use it.

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