Monday, January 1, 2024

A Quiet Place

"Let us go alone to a quiet place."
- Mark 6:31

Jesus often withdrew to "a quiet place," either by Himself or with His disciples. Why did He do that? And should we? The example above from the Book of Mark is just one of many in The Bible.

With all of the healing that Jesus did and all the teaching and miracles He performed, He usually drew a pretty large crowd wherever He went.

Why did Jesus like to get away from the crowds? And what lessons can we learn from His desire for solitude? First, let's read the verse above in context.

"Jesus said to them, `Come away with me. Let us go alone to a quiet place and rest for a while.' Many people were coming and going. They could not even eat.

So they went away in a boat to a lonely place by themselves." - Mark 6:31-32

In this example Jesus was with His disciples. His boys had just gotten back from the journey He had sent them on. They most likely had many stories to tell Him. This time away by themseves was going to be a teaching time, specifically for the disciples.

Unfortunately, many people had seen them leaving and followed them along the shoreline. How many people followed them in their attempt to retreat to a quiet place? Welcome to the story about the feeding of the 5,000. 

Jesus still taught that day but His class was just a little bigger than the twelve He had hoped for.

But we can still see Jesus' desire to get away from it all. Do YOU have a quiet place you like to go to in order to focus on God?

For me it's my living room chair before my wife, or the sun, have gotten up yet. There are zero distractions, other than the ones in my head. It is a very quiet time.

But what is YOUR quiet time? And where is your quiet place?

Even in our prayer time with God, Jesus told us to 'go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret.' - Matthew 6:6

It is there, when it is just us and God, that we can offer prayers that we want no one else to know. We can pray about our innermost thoughts and sins without fear of gossip or rumor.

My prayer for you today is that you would find that quiet place to pray. And don't forget to listen! For God speaks in whispers, not earthquakes, wind, or fire (1 Kings 19:11-12).

Seek out the quiet places in your life. God will speak to you there.

God Speaking - Mandissa

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