Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Common Sense

A piton (PEE-tawn) is a device that mountain climbers use to safely climb mountains. They pound these metal spikes into cracks in the rock as they climb and hook their ropes on them.

A mountain climbing instructor once was asked by one of his students, "How often do you place these pitons?"

The instructor replied with a question of his own, "How far are you willing to fall?"

Pitons, and a rope, are the only things keeping mountain climbers from falling to their death.

What do we 'normal' people have that can protect US when we get into dangerous situations?

Well, for one thing - common sense. Common sense seems hard to come by for many these days though. There HAS to be something else.

There is. Jesus.

Jesus may not keep us from struggling but He CAN help us through those hard times. It's just common sense to have Jesus on your side, whatever struggle you're in.

Just as it is common sense to use pitons and ropes while climbing mountains, it is also a good idea to know Jesus, especially when the rope breaks or the piton comes loose. Remember the words of that climbing instructor . . . .

"How far are you willing to fall?"

"The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the LORD holds them by the hand." - Psalm 37:23-24

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