Saturday, May 18, 2024

People You May Know

As you scroll down through Facebook you will eventually come across a lovely little diversion called "People You May Know."

What an annoying feature. Why does Facebook think I might know these people? Oh, they might know somebody that I know. But then there are some that I wouldn't touch with a 10-ft pole based on their profile picture.

Some people look like dogs. Literally. While others look like only what they want you to see. They look like horses, cars, bunnies, flowers, cartions, etc.

I got so sick of this feature that one day I just started hitting the 'remove' button. Remove. Remove. Remove. And then this thought occurred to me:

Isn't this is exactly what God will do when people come before him trying to get into heaven.

"And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.'" - Matthew 7:23

Those are words you never want to hear. Those words are a one-way ticket to hell. For eternity.

Instead, wouldn't it make more sense to hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant?"

Then the doors will open, and we'll walk in. And we will be welcomed and eternally loved. That sounds WAY better to me.

In heaven, we will see "people you may know" but there will be WAY more of them that we don't know. But you know what? They will ALL love us.

Would you like to be eternally loved?

Yes, please.🙂❤🙏

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