Saturday, June 15, 2024

Grace and Mercy

Most of us have had pets in our lives at one time or another. We feed them, we clean up after them, and, in return, they give us unconditional love. Plus a few laughs along the way.

We have had a cat in our house for the past 18 years - a rescued barn cat, living the good life. But that life came to an end this past week. It was hard to watch. Still, through all of his medical struggles, our cat provided something beautiful to watch - my wife, caring for her dear friend, the cat.

The cat's last days made me appreciate my wife even more than I already did. Cleaning up his messes, taking him to the vet, feeding him special food laced with medication.

"That's going to be me one day," I thought to myself. Thankfully I have a loving and compassionate wife.

Watching my wife care for our cat made me think of God and HIS grace and mercy. Even though we are all sinners and deserving of death, God provided a way for us to live forever with Him - the sacrifice His Son offered on the cross - once for all.

In the Old Testament days sacrifices were set up by God (Exodus, Leviticus). They were not meant to pay for our sins, but as a reminder OF our sins.

"It is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins." - Hebrews 10:4

“Sacrifices and offerings, burnt offerings and sin offerings you did not desire, nor were you pleased with them” - though they were offered in accordance with the law." - Hebrews 10:8

"We have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all." - Hebrews 10:10

God did not require sacrifice for sins as a penalty or payment, but rather as a reminder OF our sinful nature. Jesus was the sacrifice, once for all.

"Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved." - Acts 16:31

The Bible doesn't say much about our pets going to heaven when they die, but God created them. He saved them from the flood, though not all of them were saved.

It's the same with us humans. We too were created by God. And we too were saved from the flood, but not all of us will be saved. One thing we all must remember:

In order to be saved from the coming wrath, we have to get on "the ark." And the ark's name is Jesus.

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