Saturday, June 1, 2024

Deja Vu

In the Book of 1st Kings there is a story that seems appropriate for today, given the headlines of this week. It is the story of King Ahab (played by Joe Biden) and Naboth (played by Donald Trump).

Naboth had a vineyard. Today we will call this vineyard 'America,' filled with the American people.

"Ahab said to Naboth, “Let me have your vineyard." - 1 Kings 21:2

Naboth didn't want to give it up because there was a lot of history associated with it. 

"Naboth replied, “The Lord forbid that I should give you the inheritance of my ancestors.”" - 1 Kings 21:3

Ahab was upset. He wanted the vineyard. So he went home and complained to his partner, Jezebel. They were very close. And Jezebel came up with a plan.

Oh, I almost forgot. In today's world, Jezebel is played by Barack Obama.

Anyway, Jezebel's plan went like this.

"Jezebel his wife said, “Is this how you act as king over Israel? Get up and eat! Cheer up. I’ll get you the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite.” - 1 Kings 21:7

Her scheme went like this:

"Seat two scoundrels opposite him and have them bring charges." - 1 Kings 21:10

The roles of the two scoundrels are played by Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen.

[How am I doing so far? Pretty accurate, right?]

"He who has ears, let him hear." - Matthew 11:15

"So the elders and nobles who lived in Naboth’s city did as Jezebel directed in the letters she had written to them." - 1 Kings 21:11

"Naboth's city" is New York. And "the elders and nobles" of that city are Alvin Bragg and Judge Juan Merchan. There's a couple more scoundrels for ya.

Ultimately, Jaboth was tried, convicted, and sentenced by scoundrels, all at the direction of Jezebel. But the story does not end here.

Later on in 2nd Kings...

"So the young prophet went to Ramoth Gilead. When he arrived, he found the army officers sitting together. “I have a message for you, commander,” he said.

“For which of us?” asked Jehu.

“For you, commander,” he replied.

Jehu got up and went into the house. Then the prophet poured oil on Jehu’s head and declared, “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘I anoint you king over the Lord’s people Israel. You are to destroy the house of Ahab your master, and I will avenge the blood of my servants the prophets and the blood of all the Lord’s servants shed by Jezebel. The whole house of Ahab will perish. I will cut off from Ahab every last male in Israel - slave or free. I will make the house of Ahab like the house of Jeroboam son of Nebat and like the house of Baasha son of Ahijah. As for Jezebel, dogs will devour her on the plot of ground at Jezreel, and no one will bury her.’ ” - 1 Kings 9:4-10

This speaks of a future time. Jehu is Jesus our Lord. He alone will judge those who plot evil and inflict it on the people of this once-great nation.

The only way our country can suvive is by returning to the Lord. We must repent and turn from this evil that is controling it. Only then can we truly become great, again.

So, let this be our prayer....

"Lord, make America great again. Not by OUR will, the will of man, but by Yours. No one comes to power unless it is by Your hand. May righteousness rule over your people, not scoundrels and murderers." Amen.

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