Wednesday, June 5, 2024

The God Who Stays

What I am about to tell you is a true story, based on real-life events. I testify that these things are true. And also, really quite amazing.

God has truly blessed me by giving many people in my life to love - family, friends, and also youth group kids. This story is about one of those "kids," although many are now in their 30's, married, and have kids of their own.

I first learned of the illness of one of my "kids" through a Facebook post - a fund-raising effort organized to help pay for medical expenses. I immediately sent out a text.

"The kid" and I agreed to meet at a local coffee shop to talk as "what happened" to my friend was too long to type.

[Let me pause here to tell you a few things. 1.) I love these kids, 2.) Prayer is amazing, and 3.) Never underestimate God]

We met, ordered our beveages, and sat down to talk. I heard all about the incredible medical journey my friend was on. It is nearing a very critical point.

Then it was my turn to talk and I asked her some questions about Jesus. That's when something very interesting happened.

A song began to play on the music system as I has sharing the good news. Here's the chorus:

You're the God who stays,
You're the God who stays,
You're the one who runs in my direction when the whole world walks away,
You're the God who stands with wide open arms,
And you tell me nothing I have ever done can separate my heart from the God who stays.

God provided a perfect soundtrack for His words of truth. Amazing. The song let us know that God will never run away from us, no matter how big our struggles, or illnesses, might be.

What more do we need in tough times than a God who stays with us as we go through them?

"My grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness." - 2 Corinthians 12:9"

That it is!

I'm not sure if my friend fully relies on God or not but Jesus is definitely waiting "with wide open arms." All my friend needs to do is to run to Him. Jesus, and His Holy Spirit, will take it from there.

The God Who Stays - Matthew West

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