Wednesday, October 3, 2018


My wife and I visited a sea turtle rescue hospital yesterday. Damaged sea turtles from the area are sent to this place to be repaired and to be healed. As I watched them swimming around in their tanks I realized something. They are just like you and me.

Our hearts went out to these magnificent creatures as they struggled just to function in the world in which they live. Some had been run over my motor boats and had their shells damaged. Others had become entangled in fishing nets, lost flippers or caught on hooks by fishermen.

People who care bring these broken people to the only place they can think of - the hospital - for help. Sadly, you and I often find ourselves in the same situation - broken - not knowing where to go or which direction to turn.

Physically and emotionally damaged or broken people go to the human hospital. We see a doctor or a psychiatrist. But where do spiritually damaged people go? Usually they go nowhere, just wandering around aimlessly in spiritual brokenness.

Ah, but Jesus is our spiritual healer. He restores our soul. He pulls us out of the pit and makes our paths straight. Are you in need of spiritual healing? Perhaps it's time to visit a healing sanctuary and receive the treatment that never fails to heal. His love.

The following song is a secular song that has some good words in it. When we get broken or lonely we just want to be with someone or held in some way. We long to be loved and when it feels like everyone has left us, where do we turn? How about Jesus?

'Cause I'm broken when I'm open
And I don't feel like I am strong enough
'Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away

"Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed." ~ Isaiah 53:4-5

Broken - Seether (feat. Amy Lee)

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