Wednesday, October 31, 2018

One More Week

Just think. One week from now there will be no more political ads on television! I can't wait.

My wife and I play a game each night to see who is the first to grab the remote whenever a political ad comes on. We are both sick of seeing them so the competition between my wife and I is intense. She leads 759-698. And that was just last week!

I think church can be like that if the ones hearing the message aren't really interested. When I was in eighth grade confirmation class I didn't really care about God or Jesus. I just wanted to answer the questions so I could get outta there!

It wasn't until much later in life, when I fell into a relationship with Jesus, that I realized the truth and the seriousness of the Gospel message. Similarly, unless we have a relationship with a candidate - someone who speaks to us in truth (a rarity) - we won't even listen to the other candidate.

If we get religion rammed down our throats when we're young, we won't really be interested in what it has to say. Not unless it is accompanied by a relationship first.

I don't really care if someone is a Republican or a Democrat. I am looking for truth, honesty, and someone whose message parallels the Gospel. That usually narrows the choices down a bit. Like to zero!

So I find somebody close and vote that way. If my candidate loses, oh well. I voted. I'm not going to whine and cry about losing. I suck it up and move on. Jesus is MY King.

"Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God." - Romans 13:1

You Are My King / Amazing Love - Chris Tomlin

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