Saturday, August 24, 2019

Do Something

It's easy to sit in our living rooms and vocalize our opinions about what we see on the news. It's another thing entirely to get up off our butts and actually do something about it.

The perfect example of this is when my wife and I go walking together. I'll see some trash on the side of the road and make some comment about the person who threw it there.

My wife, on the other hand, walks over and picks it up. She wants our neighborhood to look nice. After a while her hands get pretty full so I step in and offer to help. That's a perfect example of how one person's efforts can lead to others stepping up and helping.

I watch my Facebook news feed a lot. Yes, I'm 66 years old. I watch it for a reason though. So I can do something. As a former youth leader . . . No, once a youth leader, always a youth leader. The point is, I care about our youth and our struggling young adults.

Periodically one will call or text seeking advice. That's wonderful. But what I am looking for on Facebook are the ones whose cry is silent. The kid who has been abused, neglected and hurt. I am looking for the kid in the picture. Why? So I can do something.

Maybe I have been sensitized by the suicide deaths of two youth group kids. It doesn't matter. I want to do something and this is it.

"But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves." - James 1:22

When we find ourselves complaining about something, here's something to consider. What if God created YOU to fix the very thing you were complaining about?

You don't like the trash on the side of the road? Pick it up! You don't like the number of suicides occurring in the world? Do something about it! Make yourself available. Love the unlovable. Reach a hand out to the wounded and hurting.

God didn't create us to go to work and earn our precious money and to comment on other people's lives. God created us to love and to worship Him. And what better way to worship God than by keeping His commandments - the highest of which is to love one another.

So, what are you going to do today?

Do Something - Matthew West

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