Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Follow Me

I am getting back into disc golf after a multi-year layoff due to injuries sustained in a car accident. It didn't take me too long to figure out that I am VERY rusty. I still know WHAT to do. I just have trouble doing it. I need practice and perhaps some instruction.

So, I took to YouTube for some of tips. I witnessed the results the pros were getting with their putting styles. Impressive. So I have decided to begin emulating them in hopes of lowering my golf score.

The Bible teaches us to do the same thing in our faith. Paul encouraged the church in Corinth to copy him and what he was doing.

"Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ." - 1 Corinthians 11:1

When Jesus was gathering His apostles He spoke two words to them. "Follow me." That's it. And they followed. I'm sure there was a little work being done by the Holy Spirit there. Why else would they just drop everything and follow unless they somehow knew that this "stranger" was worth following.

How do we know our pastors and teachers are worth following? Do they just "feel" right? Or do we study the results of their teaching to see if it lines up with God's Word? Most people tend to examine a bunch of things when selecting a new church but few examine the teaching. Most check out the building, the music, friends who might be going there. etc. And that's sad.

Following someone's example can be good or bad - it all depends upon the teacher - the one who is being followed.

In the case of my putting, I first recognized that I was lacking in that area. Then I found an example of someone who was good at putting and chose to follow him. Our example for how we should be living our lives is found in Jesus. He doesn't post YouTube videos but we CAN read the Bible.

Following someone's example will only get us to the same level as they are at. Why not follow the best? In disc golf I follow the best in an effort to improve my game. In my faith and in life I follow Jesus. He IS the best so I follow. We all should strive to be more like Jesus in every way. Today is a good day to start.

The Truth About Following Jesus - Billy Graham
Ricky Wysocki - The Best Putter In Disc Golf

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