Monday, August 26, 2019

Spiritual Inertia

Does you schedule fill up faster than a baby's diaper on a busy day? Are you tired of all the things on your to-do list wearing out their welcome? Here's something you can do to help alleviate your problems.

Throw out your list!

Of course, we can't really do that most days. Sometimes we have a ton of stuff that just HAS to be done. But we can prioritize that list. We can decide which items really need to be done first. And then get them done!!

Most mornings I watch the news as I am eating breakfast. When I finish eating there is a tendency to keep watching the television, even though I have many things on my to-do list. My tendency is to do nothing while my Bible is on the table next to my comfy living room chair.

A body at rest tends to stay at rest. That is the definition of the word "inertia". So where do we get inertia from? It doesn't come in a bottle. It's not sold in stores. The good news is, it DOES sit on shelves in most of our houses. The problem is we're not using it enough. It's the Bible!

I am reading through Proverbs right now. There are many wise sayings concerning my topic for today. So why aren't I reading more? Why aren't I applying what I have just read? Inertia. Spiritual Inertia.

Let me re-write the Law of Inertia for you, with a spiritual twist.

An earthly body tends to stay at rest while a heavenly body tends to stay in motion, serving the Lord.

Turn off the television and pick up the Bible, get out and serve! I'm talking to myself here. Let's get going!

What motivates YOU when it comes to serving God? The fear of God does it for me!

"4 A sluggard’s appetite is never filled, but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied." - Proverbs 13:4

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