Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Switching Tracks

As we go through life there are times we must make life-changing decisions about what path we are on. Perhaps it's a job, a church or a relationship. All we know for sure is we need to get on a different track.

So, how do we know if it's the right move? Is it our selfish selves that are driving the change? Or is it God Himself through the Holy Spirit?

When I get to moments like that in my life I invariably ask myself this question. "Am I doing the right thing?" And that's my biggest problem. I am asking myself  that question and not God.

Prayer can be frustrating sometimes. We ask something of God and then we don't get any clear answers about what we should do. There is a reason for that. I think it's because God wants US to make that decision. He wants us to ask ourselves, "What does God want me to do?" and then do it!

If we think every decision through and make our decisions based on our knowledge of God, we end up making the right decision every time.

I changed jobs once. I had wrestled with the decision for months. When I finally made the move to switch, on my way home I saw a bald eagle fly across the road in front of me. It actually turned its head and looked at me. I'm not saying God directed that eagle to do that but it was very reassuring to me. Kind of a sign.

I made one of those big decisions last week. Should I have done what I did? There was that question again. Doubt enters in and we wonder. Shortly after making that decision I saw an old friend in town. They wondered if I would be interested in using one of my God-given gifts to help him out. Of course! Again, very reassuring to me.

Have you ever gotten confirmation that the big decision YOU made was the right one? It seems to happen more than just occasionally. But we shouldn't need confirmation from God. We should know in our hearts which direction is right. We should know what the right track is we need to be on. Our confirmation is in God's Word!

"105Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." - Psalm 119:105

Step into a new day
We can rise up from the dust and walk away
We can dance upon our heartache, yeah
So light a match, leave the past, burn the ships
And don't you look back

Burn The Ships - For King and Country

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