Sunday, August 18, 2019

Let's Get Naked!

Today's story is going to be a little different. The title might lead you to believe I am writing about something dirty. Well, actually, I am. But I am actually writing about the act of getting "naked" before God.

We were actually designed by God to be naked you know.

25Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame." - Genesis 2:25

See? It's biblical! But when sin entered the world we became ashamed of our bodies and began to cover them up.

"6When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. 7Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves." - Genesis 3:6-7

Ever since then, being naked has been construed as being bad or frowned upon. We have laws against public nudity. Nudity is a crime! Yet that is actually what God designed us to be  - naked before Him. Let me explain.

Have you ever gone for a jog or mowed the lawn on a hot, humid day? Maybe when the dewpoint is over 60 and really humid? The first thing we want to do after we're finished is take a shower! But first we have to take our sweaty clothes off. That's often hard to do. Our clothes, which were designed to stay on us, and really hard to get off when they're all dirty and sweaty.

When we come before God in prayer, that is the time we should be "getting naked." We must confess all of our dirtiness, the sin we have committed, during our prayers. We must ask Jesus to remove them from us. He has promised to do that for us, if we only would ask.

Asking God to remove our sins can be difficult. We first have to realize that we have them. Then we must desire to get rid of them, but that can be tough. That's why we need Jesus.

In order for us to be clean and pure in God's eyes, naked and not ashamed, we must be washed by Jesus. We do that by surrendering to Him. But more on that next time. Until then I encourage you to bare yourself, your heart and your soul, before God, seek His forgiveness, and do so in the name of His Son, Jesus. It's an amazing feeling to be clean.

Freely Freely - Maranatha

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