Thursday, June 18, 2020

Finding Neo

Hi! I have been sick for the past week or so. However, I am not feeling sick today. "People, let me tell you 'bout my Best Friend."

As I reflect back on my illness, which I still have, it is interesting as I observe my symptoms over time.

High fever, beat it down with couple Tylenol, repeat, repeat, repeat. No energy. No excitement in life.

What an example of the world we live in today. One plague after another. Lord, have mercy. He WILL be merciful . . . to those who love Him.

Over a week ago I contacted the local hospital. I'll never do THAT again! Lol! I had gone through their Covid-19 symptom checker and even though I had no respiratory symptoms WHAT SO EVER they told me I needed to come in to be tested. Fine.

When I got there it was all about Covid-19. Nothing else. No answers for 24-48 hours. I answered all of their covid questions so much I had them all memorized and threw five answers back at them all at once. That was fun. Sort of.

Even though I knew I didn't have it, they were still asking me about it. Even after the test came back negative. Totally clear.

This morning as I was "waking up" I thought about my favorite movie The Matrix. There is a scene where Neo (neo means New) is called to this shady, drug infested, sexually charged bar by Morpheus (morph - a change). Neo does not join in, standing off to the side.

Suddenly Neo is approached my someone - Trinity (you know who THEY are). She gets REALLY close and whispers in his ear the answer to a question he's been asking his whole life.

God calls us unto Himself. Jesus told us that "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them." - John 6:44

I finally got them to test me for Lyme's Disease - the test I wanted from the beginning. I won't know for another 24-48 hours of course. But they gave me Doxycycline. I took one dose last night at 7:00. My fever broke, my temperature dropped and I woke up this morning with no symptoms at all. None.

That brings me to the story about my Best Friend. Yes, His name is Jesus.

Jesus is the cure for this sick world we live in. You got a question? Need some hope? Jesus IS the answer. I kid you not. I am grateful to God this morning for getting the doctors to finally realize the results of their own tests and to try something else. And that was it.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." - Proverbs 3:5-6

God is so incredible. If you don't know Him, please do! He will bless you in SO many ways.

The Courtship of Eddie's Father Intro

Neo Meets Trinity - The Matrix

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