Sunday, December 27, 2020

Traditions of Love

Christmas is a time of traditions in our house. Remembrances ignite with each activity or meal. Aunt Mabel's sugar cookies, my wife's date pies, an old wooden cross atop the tree, even a simple fire in the fireplace brings back memories of  Christmastime on the farm at Grandma's house.

You probably have a favorite Christmas tradition in your family. What makes traditions so wonderful? Is it the comfort of family? Remembering good times when everything seemed right with the world? The key ingredient in ALL of our traditions, I think, is love.

Love is what makes Christmas . . . Christmas. We remember Jesus being born in a manger. That was an incredible act of love by God, The Father, to sacrifice His precious Son for everyone on earth. Merry Christmas world!

This year, the singing of Christmas songs at our church's Christmas Eve service seemed extra meaningful. The years "Covid Christmas" is worthy of forgetting. Many illnesses, the loss of family members, and the cancelation of so many things once held dear have made this a year well worth forgetting.

However, if there is a silver lining to 2020 it would have to be this. That despite all the struggles we've had, the one thing there is more of this year is hope. Hope for a brighter future.

And thanks! Giving thanks for the times that we did get to be with family and friends makes those times seem that much more special.

So may this new year bring a renewed hope you and your family. And maybe we can start a NEW tradition of hugging a little tighter this year. loving a little more intentionally, and rejoicing through it all.

"Now I praise you because you remember me in everything and hold firmly to the traditions, just as I delivered them to you." - 1 Corinthians 11:2

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