Saturday, December 5, 2020

Unworthy Made Worthy

Movies can have a tremendous effect on our development as human beings. Movies can shape us into better people. But they can also twist us into mere shadows of the people we were meant to be. Who is the gatekeeper for such unbelievable power? We are.

What are some of your favorite movies? And WHY are they your favorites? Was it a particular character you liked? Or was it the message the film brought forth?

Do you remember the movie Jaws? People wouldn't go swimming for months after that film came out. They were all afraid to go into the water for fear of the sharks. And that was in Lake Michigan!

I watched a movie the other day called Paul, Apostle of Christ. It was a powerful depiction of the Apostle Paul who was imprisoned in Roman, sentenced to death by beheading, all because of His faith in Jesus, The Messiah.

Life was not easy for Christians in Rome during the reign of Nero. They were being fed to the lions for fun, burned alive in the streets on poles, hunted down and killed because of their faith.

At the end of the movie I felt incredibly humbled - almost wondering why I was chosen to be a Christian. What have I done to warrant sure a worthy title as "Christ-follower." Anything? "Where is my faith at?" I wondered, after watching these early believers risk their lives for each other.

I suppose I could make a list of things I have tried to do, and failed. Or I could make another list of things I would have liked to have done, but never did. What good is my faith? What good am I?

Ah, "but God." Two of the most wonderful words in the Bible. God, in his imminent grace, has chosen us. Our faith in Him is all that matters. The key words there being grace. "My grace is sufficient for you," God once told Paul. It should be sufficient for me too.

"But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me." - 2 Corinthians 12:9

That is why we rejoice! That God would even consider us worthy of being saved. But He DOES! It is for His glory that we live our lives, in whatever we do. We should praise Him every minute of every day for this blessing. For even in our unworthiness, we can be made worthy, though the Son, Jesus.

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