Monday, April 12, 2021

The King of Cool

When I was growing up there was nobody cooler that Steve McQueen. He's STILL cool, and he's been dead for over 40 years. But for as cool as Steve McQueen was, he struggled greatly in his life.

We remember Steve McQueen as a movie star. His roles in Bullitt, The Great Escape, and Le Mans defined his coolness. But what really defined Mr. McQueen was not on any movie screen or race track. The definition of who he was, and is today, is found in his heart. Steve McQueen is a Christian.

As cool as Steve was he sure spent a lot of time by himself. He liked driving fast cars and flying planes. But nothing could fill the void in his heart. Steve McQueen was searching for something his whole life. And then cancer got his attention.

When faced with his own mortality, after cheating death his whole life, he had to come to grips with "the big question." Was Steve McQueen too cool to place his faith in Jesus Christ? Thankfully the answer to that question was no.

We all face that question at some point, like we all face death. Hopefully, we will resolve the Jesus question first.

During the movie Le Mans he was asked why he had to be faster than anyone else. Steve's answer was "Racing is life, Everything else is just waiting."

In real life, and at the end of HIS life, I think the correct statement could have been, "Jesus is life. Everything else is just waiting."

Are you a believer in Jesus? I hope so. And if you are, don't you find that you are anxiously waiting for the return of our King? Everything else IS just waiting! Jesus is all that matters. Jesus IS life.

Should one day I find myself standing next to Steve McQueen in heaven, I think we'll both be singing. He might look over at me and smile with that Steve McQueen smile of his. I'll smile back. But then we will both turn back and sing praises to the REAL King of Cool - Jesus Christ.

Racing Is Life - Steve McQueen

Steve McQueen - American Icon Full Movie

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