Monday, September 13, 2021

Bad Days?

Bad Days. We all have them. We all experience them. So, how do we get rid of them? How do we keep them from happening to us again and again? Try these things.

First, examine your bad day. Why did it happen? Was it something YOU did? Or was it something that was done to you? Did your bad day come from someone in particular? Was your bad day due to an event of some sort? What caused it?

Reach out. Talk to a friend. Make a phone call. Just talking or venting to someone can make you feel better. Do it!

Examine yourself. What makes you happy? What things do you enjoy doing? Why aren't you doing more of them? Is there something in YOU that needs to change?

Take some positive steps to keep your bad day from happening again. Was it a hurtful conversation? Talk it out. A bad relationship? Maybe it's time for a change. Or, if it was really bad, leave! Nobody needs abusive relationships in their life.

Set some goals. Define what makes up a good day in your life and begin your walking towards those goals. It might take some time but you will get there.

Make the change. If bad days keep happening in your life, something's wrong. Something's out of place. Something is broken and it needs to be fixed.

There is one thing you could try that is life-altering. It will change your perspective on things and it will greatly reduce the number of "bad days" you experience in life. Each one of the steps I have mentioned above can be addressed all at once.

Talk to Jesus. Examine yourself to see where you are lacking. Take a positive step and make Jesus Lord of your life. Let your relationships with Him be your goal. Take the steps you need to take in order to meet Him. And make the change. Jesus will definitely change your life. Do it today and make "bad days" a thing of the past.

Here's one final question for you to consider. Could God be allowing bad days in your life so that you will finally and completely turn yourself over to Him for help? Think about it. Make the change.

"I consider that our present sufferings are not comparable to the glory that will be revealed in us." - Romans 8:18

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