Wednesday, April 24, 2019

The Parable of The Wedding Ring

I heard a story yesterday that made me smile so I asked if I could share here. It's a wonderful story of love and joy, sadness and frustration. It may even make you cry a bit but it will for sure make you smile. Ready?

I have been blessed with many wonderful friends. A lot of them are located at the place I used to work. So, I like to visit as often as I can. They're like family.

One of my friends there is named Myshelle. She was the teller of this story that I heard. I have known Myshelle for 20+ years. When I first started working at this company I was placed in between her and another drafter Named Juergen. I didn't know it at the time but they would soon be married to one another.

Sadly, several years later, Juergen was diagnosed with cancer and eventually lost the battle in 2009. Myshelle raised their two kids. One is currently in high school, the other is in college. Great kids. Their mom and dad did well.

This past weekend the oldest was home for Easter and was enjoying sleeping in Saturday morning. So was her brother. My friend Myshelle decided to clean her closet - doing something quiet while the kids slept. She started off low in the closet my removing all the shoes. Then, still tucked in the corner of the closet was a pair of her husband's shoes and his slippers.

My friend pulled out the shoes, then the slip . . . Wait a minute. What's that? Under the slippers. It's Juergen's missing wedding ring!!!

Before Juergen had died he lost his wedding ring. All the weight loss from the chemo treatments and the cancer had made his fingers thin and, one day, it was just gone. They looked everywhere in the house, in the car, even the yard. Nothing. It was gone. Until this past weekend when it was found.

I don't have to tell you, my friend Myshelle was beside herself with joy! Juergen had been so upset that he had lost something he treasured so dearly.

Another interesting point of interest, Saturday was also her son's birthday. When he finally woke up his mom told him the story and gave him the ring saying, "I think your dad wanted you to have this. Today."

Now HE was crying.

What an amazing story! Have you ever lost something valuable to you and then found it when you were least expecting it? My friend's story reminded me of several stories in the Bible about things being lost and then found. Lost sheep, lost coins, and the Lost Son (all in Luke 15).

Why did Jesus tell so many stories about things that were lost? I think it's because of the joy that is felt when they are found.

As I listened to my friend tell her story yesterday I felt incredible joy for her. To have found something so valuable after years of it being missing. What an incredible feeling that must have been. That is the very same feeling God has when just one sinner repents. Amazing!

But hearing my friend tell her story was far better than my trying to replicate it here in mere words.When she told the story to me I could see the expression on her face and the joy in her eyes.

I knew the events she related to me were true because I could see how much it effected her and changed her. Do YOU have a story like that? A story of something that changed YOUR life? I do. His name is Jesus.

"There will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.” - Luke 15:7

"For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it." - Matthew 16:25

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