Monday, April 8, 2019

The Parable of The Wooden Bridge

One last story from my hike on the Ice Age Trail this past week. I have written two stories already from the exploits of those two days, but this last one is probably the most important.

To briefly re-cap, I was thwarted in my attempt to hike a short segment of the Ice Age Trail near Bohn Lake. We had a lot of snow this year and the spring run-off and high water had blocked my trail. I simply could not cross the water without getting my feet and clothing wet. What was I to do?

When I revisited the flood area of the trail I was initially sad to see that the water was still there. There was still no way of getting across the trail without getting wet. That is, until I looked off to the side and discovered someone had built a bridge.

The wooden bridge was only wide enough for one person at a time to cross but it did the job.
 I was able to cross the bridge and finish my journey.

Jesus built a bridge for us to cross 2,000 years ago. Come to think of it, He built that bridge out of two wooden boards and some nails, just like the bridge I crossed on the trail. The only difference is that "the promised land" on the Ice Age Trail is just more trail. The promised land that Jesus offers is a bridge much more than that. The promised land is a final destination and a wonderful one at that.

Sin keeps us on the worldly side of the water in this life that you and I are living. The only way to get across that gap is to place our faith in Jesus. The nails, the wood, and the blood required for sacrifice. Jesus is our bridge. God has provided that bridge for everyone. We are the ones who must decide whether we want to cross it or not.

Bridge Over Troubled Water - Simon & Garfunkel

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