Monday, November 4, 2019

First Snow

We had our first snow of the season last week. It's always interesting driving after the first snow. It can be pretty dangerous. Like Tuesday morning.

A portion of the main highway through town was closed because of an accident. A truck driver was killed. It was not a good day to be on the roads.

The first snow looks so pretty. We've forgotten how beautiful the snow can look. With the snow however comes hidden dangers. Potholes are covered up, snow can cover the ice too.

Life is filled with hidden dangers. It's our job to navigate them safely. So how do we do that? We have laws like speed limits to help keep us safe. Yet we ignore them. We see snow falling and we forget how slippery it gets. We don't slow down for that either. And then bad things happen.

We lose control of our cars. We can also lose control of our lives. We read God's laws and we still ignore them. When we see someone we love living dangerously, do we stop them and warn them? Or do we just shake our heads?

God tells us in the Bible that we should warn others of impending danger and not just let them parish. Their blood will be on OUR heads.

"But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes someone's life, that person's life will be taken because of their sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for their blood.' - Ezekiel 33:6

Is there someone in your life who is hurting right now or living in sin? How do you think God wants us to love them today?

Watchman - Robin Mark

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