Saturday, November 2, 2019

Where's Your Mountain?

Reading through the Gospels these past few weeks has reminded me of something about Jesus. There are two things that we all can do to make our loves so much more fulfilling.

Jesus was a popular guy. People flocked to Him as word spread about His miracles of healing and restoration. There were times that the crowd was so thick around Him that some climbed trees just to get a glimpse of Him.

Jesus did some important things we all should be doing in our own lives. If we did just these few things we would be so much simpler and fulfilling.

The first is His compassion. Love.

"When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd." - Matthew 9:36

There are so many who need love and compassion in this world. Is there someone in your life who could use a friend right now? Someone with a listening ear? Or maybe just someone to be with?

The other thing Jesus did was He got away from the crowd numerous times during His ministry, just to be by Himself and to pray. Where do you go when you want to recharge? To pray? What do you do?

"After sending the people away, he went up a mountain to pray by himself. When evening came, he was there alone." - Matthew 14:23

For me, I turn off the news shows, close the laptop and pick up my Bible. Reading God's Word takes me out of this world and places me somewhere, by myself, with Jesus. I find that to be very calming. I will also sit in the dark and just pray and love people from the comfort of my living room chair.

The important thing is to DO something. We need to remind ourselves that this world can be a cold, dark place in need of some light. BE that light in someone's life today. And if you need recharging, get away by yourself someplace. Take the time you need to be re-filled. Read God's promises, read through Psalms and pray, visit with a friend.

There aren't many mountains here in Wisconsin but there are Quiet Places we can go to get away from it all and get closer to God. Where's YOUR mountain?

The Old Rugged Cross - Alan Jackson

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