Monday, March 30, 2020

Absorb Me

There are times when I feel quite alone in this world. That's when I reach for you. You are always there by my side. You comfort me when I am afraid. You encourage me when I feel unworthy. You remind me that I am loved, seemingly saying, "Hold me, open me, absorb me."

There have been times when my eyes have become weary from examining you and I simply draw you to my chest, close my eyes and drift off to sleep. There is nothing I enjoy more than spending time with You - reading your Word.

Your Word comforts me. It truly does. I can be depressed or sad but picking up my Bible and reading certain verses always lifts me up.

"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." - Psalm 119:105

"Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." - Isaiah 40:31

"May my cry come before you, LORD; give me understanding according to your word." - Psalm 119:169

Few people on earth can comfort us the way God can through His written word. Our biggest problem as a people group is that we don't spend enough time reading it. We don't make enough of an effort to apply it to our lives either.

Many times I have found myself watching the news or some movie on television and suddenly stop and ask myself, "What am I doing?"

"How is this honoring God right now?"

That's usually when I pick up the remote, turn off the world, and begin reading my Bible. It doesn't take long before I am in a better place - a different world - where God is all around me and I feel like I am home.

Maybe I'm weird. Maybe? Probably. But it just feels right when I am immersed in my reading. It's like I am becoming part of the book itself. I'm not reading myself into any of the characters in the Bible but it's like I am there with them - a witness through my reading.

So many of life's problems can be put in their place simply by knowing God's truths. They comfort us in times of trouble. They truly are a light unto our path.

Thy Word - A Mullett Family Video

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