Saturday, February 6, 2021

The Laws of Man

My wife and I watched a movie last week, I wasn't really expecting to get a theology lesson from Ant Man, but I did.

During the first part of the movie, a conversation takes place between Darren (the soon-to-be villain) and the unsuspecting Frank (who was about to become a small stain on the restroom floor). Here's their conversation:

Frank: Unfortunately, we can't just do whatever we want. It'd be nice though, right? But there are laws.

Darren: What laws? Of man? The laws of nature transcend the laws of man. And I have transcended the laws of nature.

Frank: Darren, I don't think you understand.... 

Darren: [picks up ray gun] ZOT!!

Frank was right. Darren did NOT understand.

When man starts messing around with the laws of nature, bad things usually happen. As an example, I give you the recent pandemic that came out of a Wuhan lab in China. That hasn't gone well, has it?

God is the Creator of all things. When we start thinking that WE can create things, we are placing ourselves above God, or at least equal to Him. Things never end well when we do that. Satan, a created being and former angel in heaven, tried to make himself God. He's STILL trying. And failing.

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, said the LORD." - Isaiah 55:8

King David, a man after God's own heart, loved and embraced God's law. Perhaps we should too. Let's start with the 10 Commandments and go on from there. Anybody in Washington D.C. listening?

"Oh, how I love your law! I meditate on it all day long." - Psalm 119:97

Darren Cross Kills Frank

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