Monday, May 15, 2023

Need A Hug?

Hugs are great! Nothing beats a hug to express love or to lift someone up. I love giving and receiving hugs. Don't you? 

I noticed a couple of things about this week's hugs though that has led me to write this story. The first one is this - hug conversations.

Have you had any conversations whilst hugging lately? That is, talking WHILE you're hugging. They are wonderful! Always short and to the point. Here's a sampling of mine this week.

"Love you, brother."
"Love you too."

"How are you feeling?"
"You mean right now? Great!"

"It's been too long."
"I know!"

A second characteristic about hugs is their duration and intensity. I had one intense hug this week that was, well, let's just say that I will NOT have to visit a chiropractor anytime soon. I'm not complaining! My back feels great!!

Then there's the duration of the hug. According to the psychologists at the University of London, the most effective hugs last between five and ten seconds. Psychology Today suggests 20-second hugs are the most therapeutic.

Whatever the duration or intensity of our hugs, the most important thing is the giving and receiving of them.

You see, we all have a "personal space." Anytime someone enters that space without permission, we feel uneasy and tend to back away.

But whenever someone allows us to enter, or offers to share their personal space with us in a compassionate gesture, that truly is special. Be grateful. And keep those people close.

I watched our granddaughter give out hugs this weekend. Is there anything more innocent and representative of love than hugs from a child? She reminded me of these words from Jesus.

“Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them." - Mark 10:14-16

The Apostle Paul tells us several times in his letters to the churches to "Great each other with a holy kiss."

Maybe that was their way of hugging back in the day. In today's world though, I think I'll just stick to the hugs.

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