Saturday, July 13, 2024


Are you a good detective? What I mean is, are you good at figuring things out. Why did something happen? What caused it to happen? Or better yet, WHO caused it to happen?

We had a big storm go through our area a few days ago. Lots of rain. Maybe you heard about the dam in Manawa being breached and the resulting flooding.

During the storm my wife and I heard a loud bang. It wasn't thunder. It was a one-off whack of something in our backyard. I got up and went to investigate.

I could see no fallen branches in the yard. No storm damage at all. What the heck was it then?

Well, it was a pine cone. It's in the picture above. It's sitting on the metal housing of our air conditioner. How could a pine cone make such a loud noise?

Well, the pines trees in our yard are quite tall. 80-90' tall. Drop an unopened pine cone on your head from 90' in the air and you will understand. Bang!

We have a swamp on our family farm in Michigan. One summer we noticed its water level was dropping. Why? Lack of rain? Global warming? Farmers over-irrigating their crops? No. What then?

A pair of beavers had built a dam upstream and blocked off the water source. It was easy to figure out once we waded upstream.

Why does God allow certain things to happen in our lives? Even bad things. Is it for some yet unforeseen reason?

Joseph is a perfect example of God using him for His ultimate glory. God saved Israel by having his brothers sell him into slavery in Egypt.

"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." - Genesis 50:20

But the day Joseph got sold into slavery, he had no idea why. He was probably wondering,  "Why is all of this happening to me?"

What has God done in YOUR life? Has something happened that was initially bad but God used it for HIS glory?

"Walk upstream" and investigate the events of your life. Have we missed something that God wanted us to do for Him? What are the clues? And why you of all people?

I encourage you to look back at your life from where you are today. What were the turning points, the decisions, the milestones. Look closely. You just might be surprised. And praise God!

"Now all these things are from God." - 2 Corinthians 5:18

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