Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Such As These

Each year of VBS is different. The kids change, each one growing into who God wants them to be. We teachers grow and change as well. We are often taught things by the very kids we are supposed to be teaching! It's crazy.

For me, this year I was taught some amazing things by a young little dude named Felix. He'd slap my hand with a smile (high five) and then give me a hug.

"Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. - Matthew 19:14

Jesus was totally correct. Their innocence, their willingness to smile and love. They trust others easily. They have not yet become tainted by the world. It's very refreshing.

I looked in on my little buddy's class when they were singing one of the VBS songs. His mom was holding him in her arms. Everyone was facing away from me. Everyone except Felix that is.

He looked kind of bored and tired. But then he saw me and gently waved. I waved back and smiled. And then HE smiled.

The lesson I learned from Felix this week is this. Love freely and without condition.  Never be afraid to express that love. Someone may really need it. But do so gently and with the innocent intent of a child.

A child's love is pure. There are no ulterior motives. Remember what Jesus said . . .

"The kingdom belongs to such as these."

We must love God like a little child would - freely, unconditionally, trusting, without motive. And then, when we enter in to God's Kingdom, we will be greeted with open arms.

Do we love like that? Is that how we love others? Is that how we love God?

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