Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The War of The Worlds

One of the first scary movies that I ever saw was The War of The Worlds. It was made in 1953 - the year I was born. The movie was based on the 1898 novel by Orson Welles.

I'll spare you all of the details about the movie but will tell you that it didn't look good for Planet Earth. Nothing could stand up against the Martian machines.

The Martians made great advances against humankind. Humans became so desperate to stop the onslaught that the U.S. finally dropped a nuclear weapon on three of them. It had no effect at all.

Near the end of the movie, after all hope was lost, the people began huddling in churches, praying to God for deliverance.

Sound familiar? It is a recurring practice in much of the Bible.

"The Lord helps them and delivers them; He delivers them from the wicked and saves them, because they take refuge in Him." - Psalm 37:40

In the movie, it wasn't until the people started praying that the enemy began to falter. They basically succumbed to a virus - the common cold.

We always seem to ignore God when things are going fine. But once the poo hits the fan we drop to our knees. And then, only after trying to solve things on our own.

The prophet Isaiah left us some words to live by when he said, "Stop trusting in mere humans ." - Isaiah 2:22

Since the beginning of time it seems like God has been trying to get that through our thick heads. If we come to Him BEFORE we find ourselves in trouble, He often keeps us out of that situation. But we never learn.

We are in a real-life 'war of the worlds' right now. And although things can seem rough at times we should rejoice that OUR God is the one TRUE God. The name above ALL names.

"When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit." - Psalm 34:17-18

The War of The Worlds (1953) - Full Movie

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