Monday, August 20, 2018

Highs and Lows?

Some days we feel like we can handle things. Life has been good. Then there are times when we wonder if anyone even cares. No texts, no messages. We all go through highs and lows like that. Why? Isn't there some way to level things out? Well, there is ONE thing that works.

The logical mind thinks it can figure things out. The emotional heart however distracts our thinking with its need to be satisfied. In the end though, we HAVE TO be more than a series of ups and downs, highs and lows.

So what are we? WHO are we? A roller coaster? A calm lake? What do people think about us? Who are we, really? I think the answer can be found in the question, "WHOSE are we?"

It's easy for me to say that Jesus is the answer. That's what we're supposed to say, right? But WHY is He the answer? What does He provide that we don't already have? Let's let our logical mind drive for a while. Just the facts, ma'am.

Jesus is God.
God is love.
Jesus is love.

What is the one thing we all desire? Deep down inside. What is it that can calm our seas and level out our emotional highs and lows. It's love. Think about it. You know it's true. Who doesn't like to feel loved? Well, Jesus IS love.

It seems to me we need to define love because people still seem to still get confused with it's meaning. A young woman may think that if she gives herself away to her boy friend, that's love. "He'll leave me if I don't give him what he wants." That's not love. That's manipulation.

And the guy. Does he really love his girlfriend if all he is after is sex? No. That's lust, not love.

Manipulation is something that Satan does, So is lust. Satan is very good at his job. And Satan is just the opposite of Jesus. If Jesus is for something, Satan is against it.

Placing our trust in Jesus is the first thing we can do to start leveling our lives out. The second thing involves a mirror. Look in one. Who do you see? Do you see yourself? If our focus is on ourselves we will continue to have highs and lows in life.

The key words here are Jesus, Others, THEN Yourself. Notice the acronym? No other sequence makes sense. If we screw up the order of those things we've just purchased a ticket for life's roller coaster.

"Let every valley be lifted up, And every mountain and hill be made low; And let the rough ground become a plain, And the rugged terrain a broad valley;" - Isaiah 40:4

This life is not about US so much as it is about OTHERS. Rather than get depressed that no one loved you today, pick up the phone and call someone. Love THEM! Talk to them. Ask if there's anything you can do for them. Do they need anything? Guess what happens next?


There is a reason Jesus came into this world. His main purpose was to deliver a message of salvation and then to pay for OUR sins by sacrificing Himself for US on the cross.

Who was Jesus thinking about? Mhmm.

You Say - Lauren Daigle

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