Saturday, April 27, 2024


The first few words of the Bible story about Samson and Delilah should pique your interest, given today's headlines.

"Samson went to Gaza." - Judges 16:1

Many Bible stories like this one about Samson are historical in nature. There really was a Samson. He really led Israel for 20 years. But many of these stories also have a prophetic meaning as well. This story about Samson is one of them.

Consider these three words as you recall Samson's story - Samson IS Israel. Those words are featured in a essay written by Edward Greenstein called The Riddle of Samson.

Okay. If Samson IS Israel, how does the story of Samson reflect today's events in the Middle East? We find out in verse 5 of Chapter 16 . . .

"and the lords of the Philistines came to her (Delilah)." - Judges 16:5

It's not surprizing to learn that today's Palestinians are decended from the Philistines.

So now we have two of the players in present-day Gaza identified in this story about Samson - Israel and the Palestinians. But who in today's world is Delilah?

Think about it. Who, in Israel's view, has professed love for Israel but, behind the scenes and away from Israel's presence, has spoken out and acted against it?

That would be US. According to an article in JNS (link below), 'Delilah' is the United States (under its current administration). Really? Is that true? Think about it. The United States condemned the attacks by Hamas on October 7th of last year. But isn't it currently nearing the month of May and we have only recently approved an aid package for our "ally."

We have condemned Israeli leadership, demanded they hold new elections, and Pro-Palestinian protests rage to this very day in this country and very little has been done about them. And we are Israel's best ally? We ARE Delilah!

What exactly did Delilah do to Samson anyway? Didn't she ultimately weaken Samson and act against him? That is just what our government has done.

The US has instructed Israel on how it should deal with Hamas. Didn't Biden and Blinken demand Israel have a ceasefire?

Pelosi, Schumer, are all allied with the Pro-Palestinian movement. Why? It's election season. The Democrats need the Arab vote, especially in Michigan - a swing state. Is any of this starting to make sense yet?

In the end, Delilah and the Philistines lose. May it not be the same in THIS country come November. May Hamas be defeated and may God bless us with new leadership in this country. And who knows. Perhaps Biden came to power in 2020 just for the specific purpose that Israel would fulfill Bible prophesy and stand all by herself, alone.

"On that day I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples. All who lift it will surely hurt themselves. And all the nations of the earth will gather against it." - Zechariah 12:3

Yes, we helped Israel shoot drones and missiles out of the sky last week. But so did Great Britain, France, and even Saudi Arabia and Jordan.

This modern day story isn't over yet. Just remember this as you watch the news. Samson's strength came from God.

Continue to pray for Israel.

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