Sunday, June 16, 2019


Did you ever try walking around in the house with your eyes closed? Like you were blind? It gives us a different perspective on things.

Eventually, after enough bumps and bruises, stubbed toes and yowling cats, we can eventually figure things out. We can learn where everything is and navigate through it. That is, until someone leaves something on the floor or rearranges the furniture. Having sight certainly makes life easier to navigate.

Here's a fun little experiment you can try tonight. Go into a dark room. What do you see. Nothing, right? Now turn on the light and go to the closet. It's dark in the closet. Open the closet door. Does the darkness flow out into the lighted room or does the light from the room brighten the dark closet?

Light overcomes the darkness!

"That light shines in the darkness, and yet the darkness did not overcome it. " - John 1:5

In the world we live in there is a lot of darkness. I think most people would agree that we need more light instead of more darkness. I wonder, would you agree with that after reading this verse from the Bible?

"God is light; in him there is no darkness at all." - 1 John 1:5

If God is light, and we need more light in the world rather than darkness, doesn't that mean that we need more God in the world? There are some that would disagree with that statement. I am not one of those people.

There is another statement in 1st John that say "God is love." Most people would believe that the world needs more love in it. I do. But there are still some that will say, "More love, yes, but not more God." I believe that love is the answer and that God is the answer.

When you walk through this world do you shine a light? Or are you a black hole? A dim bulb? Don't be darkness. There is enough of that in this world. "Let your light so shine before men." - Matthew 5:16

Lights Shine Bright - TobyMac (feat. Hollyn)

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