Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The Parable of The Bunny

All was quiet around our house last night. It was one of those late spring evenings when the wind calms down and everything is peaceful. Unfortunately, that's when things erupted at our house.

I was in the house, working on a jigsaw puzzle. My wife was outside somewhere, working in one of her gardens. All seemed normal.

That's when I heard the yelling and the banging. What the heck was all the racket about? I got up to investigate.

My wife was charging through the brush in our backyard, banging on a plastic pale with a small trowel. She was yelling at some unknown assailant, "Drop it! Get out of here!"

My wife had witnessed our neighborhood cat catch a baby bunny. The cat was holding the bunny in it's mouth when my wife went on the rampage.

The cat dropped the bunny and ran off. The bunny quickly ran in the opposite direction. A scary but very good lesson for us all to learn.

We live in a dangerous world. It might seem all green and lush with a cool breeze blowing and plenty of food to eat, but that can change in an instant. Something can come at us out of the darkness and catch hold of us before we even know it. Many times the jaws of what gets a hold of us are unrelenting and without mercy. That's when we need Jesus the most.

Last night in our backyard my wife played the role of Jesus, chasing away the devil (the cat) and saving a young rabbits life. In the life we live, Satan is just and evil as a hungry cat. He prowls around looking for someone he can devour. Will it be you? Do you have Jesus in your life?

"Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour." - 1 Peter 5:8

Wayland The Rabbit - Seals & Crofts

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