I have a friend whose happy place is a cabin up north. She goes there to forget about work and just unplug with a cup of coffee, or a glass of wine, and her family. Everybody needs a place like that I think. Do YOU have a happy place?
Yesterday my wife and I celebrated our 42nd wedding anniversary. We didn't have a big party. We didn't get each other anniversary gifts or cards. We simply spent the day together, alone, by ourselves.
This is not a complaint about being alone on our anniversary. Not at all. My wife and I were alone quite intentionally! That's how we began. Alone, together.
We have our differences. Religion and politics have started more that one "discussion" in our house. But what keeps us together is our love for one another. Our love is stronger than all those things.
Is it any wonder that God's "first and greatest commandment" is to love? Love God and love each other. It's a pretty simple command but it is also a difficult one to keep.
"37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ - Matthew 22:37-39
The key to love is selflessness. Thinking of the other before we think of ourselves.
But what happens when our "happy place" is threatened or, God forbid, even removed? What happens when we lose the very thing that makes us the happiest?
This might be a little tough to hear but . . . we should not be interested in our own happiness. Yes, we all want to be happy but think about it for a minute. Should our "happiness" be dependent on other people? Honestly, I think our happiness has got to be dependent upon ourselves, not other people, places or things. It is our attitude towards God that determines more than happiness. It determines our joy!
I finished reading to Book of Job not that long ago. Job lost everything - his sons and daughters, his possessions. Yet Job kept His faith in God. Sure he complained about things. Sure he got upset and frustrated. But when God is foremost in our lives, as He was in Job's, when God is the most important thing about us, God sees that and will bless us.
There is nothing I can say to those who have lost a loved one that will make them feel happy. But I DO know that when we find our joy in the Lord He will give us the desires of our hearts. He has promised us that! And doesn't that sound like a happy place to be?
Without You - For King and Country
Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Interpreting Dreams
Have you had any dreams lately? I had one this week that was really weird. So, what do our dreams mean anyway? Are they messages from God or did we just have too many burritos for dinner the night before?
I tried really hard going back to sleep this morning, to finish my dream. That failed. So I got up and wrote down all the details that I could remember. It still doesn't make any sense. I need a Daniel in my life.
"Take me to the king, and I will interpret his dream for him.” - Daniel 2:24
In doing a little research about dream interpretation I learned that, according to psychiatrists, general themes are more important than the details. For example, the dreams Daniel interpreted for the king contained statues and trees. The dreams were really about nations, kingdoms and prophetic events.
My dream started out in a dimly-lit room where I was involved in a conversation with someone. I asked to hear their personal testimony of how God saved them. As the tears were welling up in my friend's eyes a man came into the room and took me to another room where he presented me with a dark grey hockey jersey that had orange lettering on it. I spend the rest of my dream trying to get back to my friend but was unable to.
My interpretation is this: When someone wants to have a conversation about God, do not let anything get in the way to distract from that conversation. Not even a hockey jersey! Schedules, favorite television shows, writing blog stories, previous engagements of any kind. Things of God are the most important. He is where our focus should be.
"When the rain washed you clean, you'll know." - Dreams, Fleetwood Mac
How will Satan try to distract us today in our dreams? And in this world?
Dreams - Fleetwood Mac
I tried really hard going back to sleep this morning, to finish my dream. That failed. So I got up and wrote down all the details that I could remember. It still doesn't make any sense. I need a Daniel in my life.
"Take me to the king, and I will interpret his dream for him.” - Daniel 2:24
In doing a little research about dream interpretation I learned that, according to psychiatrists, general themes are more important than the details. For example, the dreams Daniel interpreted for the king contained statues and trees. The dreams were really about nations, kingdoms and prophetic events.
My dream started out in a dimly-lit room where I was involved in a conversation with someone. I asked to hear their personal testimony of how God saved them. As the tears were welling up in my friend's eyes a man came into the room and took me to another room where he presented me with a dark grey hockey jersey that had orange lettering on it. I spend the rest of my dream trying to get back to my friend but was unable to.
My interpretation is this: When someone wants to have a conversation about God, do not let anything get in the way to distract from that conversation. Not even a hockey jersey! Schedules, favorite television shows, writing blog stories, previous engagements of any kind. Things of God are the most important. He is where our focus should be.
"When the rain washed you clean, you'll know." - Dreams, Fleetwood Mac
How will Satan try to distract us today in our dreams? And in this world?
Dreams - Fleetwood Mac
Thursday, July 25, 2019
The Olive Tree
My wife and I pruned our crabapple tree last night. All this rain and the warmer temperatures have really made it grow. Almost TOO big. But now the tree looks good. Well-shaped and more energy-efficient, it is going to produce much fruit into the future.
The same thing works for you and me. God prunes us through trials t develop our character - fruit. If we don't produce fruit, God cuts us down and throws us in the fire.
Pruning is one thing, grafting in branches is another. Neither my wife nor I have that knowledge or ability. But more on that in a moment.
Have you ever heard of replacement theology? It is the believe that "The Church" has replaced Israel in God's plan. Believers in Jesus (Christians) are the new "Israel." And the Jewish people have been rejected by God in favor of the church. That's the belief. It's not true.
Take a look at Romans 11. Paul explains the truth rather well. We, the Gentiles, have been grafted in to "the olive tree" - Israel. The tree is Jesus. The Gentiles, that's us, are one branch. The Jewish people are still another branch. Those who come to faith in Jesus that is. Other branches, those who don't place their faith in Christ, are "broken off.
You don't want to be broken off.
"17 If some of the branches have been broken off, and you, though a wild olive shoot, have been grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing sap from the olive root, 18 do not consider yourself to be superior to those other branches. If you do, consider this: You do not support the root, but the root supports you." - Romans 11:17-18
We should thank God every day that we have been grafted in. We are blessed to even be part of the tree at all!
Romans 11:11-32
The same thing works for you and me. God prunes us through trials t develop our character - fruit. If we don't produce fruit, God cuts us down and throws us in the fire.
Pruning is one thing, grafting in branches is another. Neither my wife nor I have that knowledge or ability. But more on that in a moment.
Have you ever heard of replacement theology? It is the believe that "The Church" has replaced Israel in God's plan. Believers in Jesus (Christians) are the new "Israel." And the Jewish people have been rejected by God in favor of the church. That's the belief. It's not true.
Take a look at Romans 11. Paul explains the truth rather well. We, the Gentiles, have been grafted in to "the olive tree" - Israel. The tree is Jesus. The Gentiles, that's us, are one branch. The Jewish people are still another branch. Those who come to faith in Jesus that is. Other branches, those who don't place their faith in Christ, are "broken off.
You don't want to be broken off.
"17 If some of the branches have been broken off, and you, though a wild olive shoot, have been grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing sap from the olive root, 18 do not consider yourself to be superior to those other branches. If you do, consider this: You do not support the root, but the root supports you." - Romans 11:17-18
We should thank God every day that we have been grafted in. We are blessed to even be part of the tree at all!
Romans 11:11-32
Monday, July 22, 2019
The Parable of The Generator
We all experience storms in our lives. It's part of growing up. Some people manage to get through them. Others simply succumb to them. But the REAL survivors are the ones who learn from them.
We had a bad storm go through our area Saturday morning. It spawned several tornadoes and wrought a lot of damage in the lives of a lot of people around here. Today, many are still in recovery mode. Fallen trees are being removed, houses are being repaired, new powerlines are replacing old.
In the aftermath of such storms there are powerful lessons to be learned. However most chose to ignore the opportunity. They simply want life to get back to the way it was. They want to be comfortable again with electricity and running water and a dry place to sleep. But there is so much more to life than comfortableness.
Saturday, after the storm passed, I walked to four of the houses in my neighborhood and offered to share my generator with them. They all refused the help. One simply abandoned their house and threw out all their food, another thought they could last until the power was restored and a third said the same. It has now been 48 hours since the storm went through.
"How you have helped the powerless! How you have saved the arm that is feeble!" - Job 26:2
Sunday afternoon I listened to a young friend of mine tell me about a storm in her life. It too had caused a lot of damage. She has endured many such storms in her life and was in need of some "power" in her life. The power of Jesus.
Sometimes we get drained of life's energy. We get weak and wonder how we can ever get through the next storm. Jesus gave Paul the answer.
“My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” - 2 Corinthians 12:9
When we turn to God and surrender our hearts to Him, THAT is when we become strong. That is when we receive power to withstand the strongest storm. Most people try to muddle through on their own. They seldom reach out. They are the fools. They are passing up The Generator of Life.
Reach out. Cry out. All the energy you will ever need is available for the asking. But first you must humble yourself, acknowledge your weakness (sin) and ask for help. Don't be afraid. Time and time again in the Bible God tells us ,"Do not be afraid." We never listen.
"1 I lift up my eyes to the hills, where does my help come from? 2 My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth." - Psalm 121:1-2
I dare you to take that first step. Accept the fact that you can't make it through another storm without Jesus by your side. You are the one who has to make the choice. I dare you. I dare you to move.
I Dare You To Move - Switchfoot
We had a bad storm go through our area Saturday morning. It spawned several tornadoes and wrought a lot of damage in the lives of a lot of people around here. Today, many are still in recovery mode. Fallen trees are being removed, houses are being repaired, new powerlines are replacing old.
In the aftermath of such storms there are powerful lessons to be learned. However most chose to ignore the opportunity. They simply want life to get back to the way it was. They want to be comfortable again with electricity and running water and a dry place to sleep. But there is so much more to life than comfortableness.
Saturday, after the storm passed, I walked to four of the houses in my neighborhood and offered to share my generator with them. They all refused the help. One simply abandoned their house and threw out all their food, another thought they could last until the power was restored and a third said the same. It has now been 48 hours since the storm went through.
"How you have helped the powerless! How you have saved the arm that is feeble!" - Job 26:2
Sunday afternoon I listened to a young friend of mine tell me about a storm in her life. It too had caused a lot of damage. She has endured many such storms in her life and was in need of some "power" in her life. The power of Jesus.
Sometimes we get drained of life's energy. We get weak and wonder how we can ever get through the next storm. Jesus gave Paul the answer.
“My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” - 2 Corinthians 12:9
When we turn to God and surrender our hearts to Him, THAT is when we become strong. That is when we receive power to withstand the strongest storm. Most people try to muddle through on their own. They seldom reach out. They are the fools. They are passing up The Generator of Life.
Reach out. Cry out. All the energy you will ever need is available for the asking. But first you must humble yourself, acknowledge your weakness (sin) and ask for help. Don't be afraid. Time and time again in the Bible God tells us ,"Do not be afraid." We never listen.
"1 I lift up my eyes to the hills, where does my help come from? 2 My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth." - Psalm 121:1-2
I dare you to take that first step. Accept the fact that you can't make it through another storm without Jesus by your side. You are the one who has to make the choice. I dare you. I dare you to move.
I Dare You To Move - Switchfoot
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Lifest 2019 - Last Story
A funny thing happened to me on the way to the porta-potty at Lifest. Or was it on the way back? Doesn't matter. What matters is I made it to the porta-potty!!
On my way to the blue "ovens of death" I had to pass through the line of people waiting for the Ferris wheel. Sighting an opening I said, "Wow, Moses must have been here. He parted the crowd!"
I was trying to be funny (and failing) but I think God knew how much I needed to go to the bathroom. LOL!
Anyway, after I finished my business, I opened the door and saw two friends of mine approaching. We talked and walked a bit but then it was time to go - back to my seat that is. So I waded through the Ferris wheel line once again. That's when I felt someone grab my arm.
"Do you remember me?" a lady asked.
"Umm, sure!!"
Mmm, not really. The face was familiar but the name? Nope.
As she told her he guy she was with how she knew me I remembered where I had met her - walking at work during my lunch hour - four or five years ago!
At that time this lady had stopped my friend Gayle and me as we were out walking over lunch and asked us if we were Christians. Why did she ask that of us? She had seen Gayle and I praying together a few years earlier. Wow.
"Yes," Gayle and I replied all those years ago. She then proceeded to ask for prayers for her and her husband, in tears. We prayed for her right then and there.
Fast forward to Lifest again and she said, "This is my husband," introducing me to the good-looking guy with her.
"How are things?" I carefully asked. She nodded and smiled.
"Good. We're good."
I fought back the tears.
What are the chances of a meeting like that? How awesome is it that God hears our prayers. And then answers them! This year at Lifest did not disappoint those who were seeking to be recharged in their faith, or finally finding Him. The bands, the conversations - all singing God's praises and worshiping The One who makes all these things possible. Awesome!
"19 Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." - Isaiah 43:19
On my way to the blue "ovens of death" I had to pass through the line of people waiting for the Ferris wheel. Sighting an opening I said, "Wow, Moses must have been here. He parted the crowd!"
I was trying to be funny (and failing) but I think God knew how much I needed to go to the bathroom. LOL!
Anyway, after I finished my business, I opened the door and saw two friends of mine approaching. We talked and walked a bit but then it was time to go - back to my seat that is. So I waded through the Ferris wheel line once again. That's when I felt someone grab my arm.
"Do you remember me?" a lady asked.
"Umm, sure!!"
Mmm, not really. The face was familiar but the name? Nope.
As she told her he guy she was with how she knew me I remembered where I had met her - walking at work during my lunch hour - four or five years ago!
At that time this lady had stopped my friend Gayle and me as we were out walking over lunch and asked us if we were Christians. Why did she ask that of us? She had seen Gayle and I praying together a few years earlier. Wow.
"Yes," Gayle and I replied all those years ago. She then proceeded to ask for prayers for her and her husband, in tears. We prayed for her right then and there.
Fast forward to Lifest again and she said, "This is my husband," introducing me to the good-looking guy with her.
"How are things?" I carefully asked. She nodded and smiled.
"Good. We're good."
I fought back the tears.
What are the chances of a meeting like that? How awesome is it that God hears our prayers. And then answers them! This year at Lifest did not disappoint those who were seeking to be recharged in their faith, or finally finding Him. The bands, the conversations - all singing God's praises and worshiping The One who makes all these things possible. Awesome!
"19 Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." - Isaiah 43:19
Completely - Jen Ledger
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Lifest 2019 - Another Story
Timing, they say, is everything. That couldn't have been more evident than at Lifest this past week. I had been trying to find my friend Luke for a good portion of the day but when I did it was rather obvious that God's timing was in play.
Lifest is a big place. Lots of tents and buildings and concert venues. Trying to find someone there CAN be challenging. But eventually familiar faces begin appearing in the crowd and there you are.
I had been searching for my friend Luke for several hours. He had told be he was in the prayer tent. The only problem with that was that there are several prayer tents at Lifest. Let's just say I did more walking than I needed to that day.
When I finally found the right prayer tent, there was Luke, waiting. I sat down and we began to talk. The two ladies who ran the prayer tent left and we sat there talking all by ourselves. That's when two other ladies (and three kids) came walking up to us and asked, "Is this where you take prayer requests?"
"Uhh . . . sure!" I said. Apparently I was now running the prayer tent.
They have a large wooden cross at Lifest upon which you can nail your hand-written requests. The lady gave me her request. I read it. And that's when I knew that this particular meeting had been arranged.
The prayer request from this lady (Ruth) was for her sister (Elizabeth). Elizabeth struggles with alcohol, is in a treatment facility but is not complying with all of the rules and getting into trouble.
I said to the lady, "Interesting. I have someone in MY life who struggles with alcohol, is in a treatment facility who ALSO rebels against "the system." Interesting how you showed up just now, just as I had arrived so that I would be the one you talked to."
I asked Ruth if I could pray for here and she agreed and so we did. After they left I turned to Luke and said, "What just happened?" and laughed at how amazing God's timing can be.
We've all heard stories about frustrated people being delayed at a stop light only to later come upon an accident scene that could have easily involved them had they not been delayed. I wonder how many times God arranges things in our lives just so we will meet the people He wants us to meet.
All I know for sure is that God is amazing. He does things in ALL of our lives for His glory and our benefit. And so many times we don't even know it's happening. And if we distill the basics of this prayer encounter down we get this . . .
I was searching for someone, God provided someone else, Our meeting began and ended in prayer. All of it based in and glorifying God. All that's left to say is . . . Amen!
Amen - For King and Country
Lifest is a big place. Lots of tents and buildings and concert venues. Trying to find someone there CAN be challenging. But eventually familiar faces begin appearing in the crowd and there you are.
I had been searching for my friend Luke for several hours. He had told be he was in the prayer tent. The only problem with that was that there are several prayer tents at Lifest. Let's just say I did more walking than I needed to that day.
When I finally found the right prayer tent, there was Luke, waiting. I sat down and we began to talk. The two ladies who ran the prayer tent left and we sat there talking all by ourselves. That's when two other ladies (and three kids) came walking up to us and asked, "Is this where you take prayer requests?"
"Uhh . . . sure!" I said. Apparently I was now running the prayer tent.
They have a large wooden cross at Lifest upon which you can nail your hand-written requests. The lady gave me her request. I read it. And that's when I knew that this particular meeting had been arranged.
The prayer request from this lady (Ruth) was for her sister (Elizabeth). Elizabeth struggles with alcohol, is in a treatment facility but is not complying with all of the rules and getting into trouble.
I said to the lady, "Interesting. I have someone in MY life who struggles with alcohol, is in a treatment facility who ALSO rebels against "the system." Interesting how you showed up just now, just as I had arrived so that I would be the one you talked to."
I asked Ruth if I could pray for here and she agreed and so we did. After they left I turned to Luke and said, "What just happened?" and laughed at how amazing God's timing can be.
We've all heard stories about frustrated people being delayed at a stop light only to later come upon an accident scene that could have easily involved them had they not been delayed. I wonder how many times God arranges things in our lives just so we will meet the people He wants us to meet.
All I know for sure is that God is amazing. He does things in ALL of our lives for His glory and our benefit. And so many times we don't even know it's happening. And if we distill the basics of this prayer encounter down we get this . . .
I was searching for someone, God provided someone else, Our meeting began and ended in prayer. All of it based in and glorifying God. All that's left to say is . . . Amen!
Amen - For King and Country
Monday, July 15, 2019
Lifest 2019 - One Story
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Me and Wade |
This first story I touched on briefly in my last blog post. I was sitting in the merchandise building on a warm Thursday afternoon, talking with a former youth group kid, when this good-looking guy comes rolling up to me in his wheelchair.
I was sitting at a picnic table, facing out when my new friend came into view. This guy was aiming right at me! No doubt about it.
"Yes?" I asked, as he started pointing to words and letters on the hand-written board in front of him.
I pieced the letters together as he went and it wasn't long before I figured out he want me to feed him dinner.
"Sure." I replied, and off he went.
As he sped away I wondered, "Why me?" There were hundreds of people roaming around in that place, soaking up the air conditioning. What made ME stand out amongst them?
Maybe it was because I was old and he figured I couldn't run fast. Maybe it was because of my tee shirt that reads, "Pray Obey Love Repeat". Or maybe it was because I wasn't afraid to make I contact with him, which I did, and not ignore him, which I didn't do.
I also began to wonder what life must be like for Wade. He came to Lifest in a taxi. The miracle to me was that he came at all. What an effort! Yet here he was at a Christian event. He impressed me with his boldness and hopeful expectation. Something we all could use more of.
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Wade's tablet and his half-eaten gyro |
"Alright, here we go. You ready?" His open mouth gave me my answer and in went bite number one. As he ate we talked and we had an amazing conversation. Wade is a very funny guy too. We laughed a lot in our 60-minute visit.
It wasn't long before Wade was thirsty and wanted me to get him a root beer. He pointed to a box on the rear of his wheel chair so I opened it up to reveal a chained wallet.
"This guy is very trusting," I thought to myself. I pulled out a 20 and got him his drink (in a cup with a straw), then returned and placed the change back in his wallet.
We finished the gyro and the soda and parted company. I never saw him again.
So many questions ran through my mind. "Why did he pick me?" was just one of them. .Another was, "What are you trying to show me Lord?" "Are you testing me?" was another.
Life is filled with all kinds of situations. How we handle them is what defines who we are. Do we ignore the uncomfortable in favor of the easiest thing to do? Or do we step into the unknown. As is says in Casting Crown's The Voice of Truth (featured in my last story) the unknown is "where Jesus is." We are not called to have a spirit of fear but to step forward, boldly. That's why it's called faith.
"The third time he said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?”
Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love me?” He said, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.”
Jesus said, “Feed my sheep." - John 21:17
Lord, let me ALWAYS be willing to feed your sheep. Whether it is a gyro or the living Word of God, let me offer it boldly and with great hope. You are the Good Shepherd. You are our Daily Bread. May we never forget that. May we LIVE that. Feeding your sheep with the same love you have given us. In your Holy name. Amen.
Feed My Sheep - David Wilkerson
Saturday, July 13, 2019
The Voice of Truth
We all have people that speak into our lives. Sometimes it's good advice. Other times it's not. It seems like everyone has an opinion about how we should be living our lives these days. But who is right? Is anyone?
I met a guy this year at a Christian music festival. He has Cerebral Palsy and has to communicate with a tablet. After I got used to assembling his words and letters into sentences we had a great conversation about heaven and hell.
Christians have a wide variety of beliefs but ultimately I think we all just really want to know the truth. Deep down inside we are seekers. Designed and created to worship, we are always seeking things to worship. Sometimes it's drugs, sometimes it's alcohol. But most often it is ourselves. We seek our own happiness above all else.
God's Holy Spirit, The Voice of Truth, guides us along on our spiritual journey. He introduces us to people, places us in certain situations for our benefit and God's glory. We just have to be obedient to listen to that still, small voice of His.
If everything we do is based on being obedient to God's Holy Spirit and His leading us, why do we all seem so concerned about our happiness?
Seeking our own happiness is where we get into trouble. God does not want us to be happy, contrary to what many television pastors say. God wants us to experience joy, not merely happiness. Joy can be found in worship. Joy can be found in loving others. Joy is actually found in obedience.
Don't settle for just happiness in your life. Seek joy. Seek the truth.
"8 Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, 9 for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls." - 1 Peter 1:8-9
The Voice of Truth - Casting Crowns
I met a guy this year at a Christian music festival. He has Cerebral Palsy and has to communicate with a tablet. After I got used to assembling his words and letters into sentences we had a great conversation about heaven and hell.
Christians have a wide variety of beliefs but ultimately I think we all just really want to know the truth. Deep down inside we are seekers. Designed and created to worship, we are always seeking things to worship. Sometimes it's drugs, sometimes it's alcohol. But most often it is ourselves. We seek our own happiness above all else.
God's Holy Spirit, The Voice of Truth, guides us along on our spiritual journey. He introduces us to people, places us in certain situations for our benefit and God's glory. We just have to be obedient to listen to that still, small voice of His.
If everything we do is based on being obedient to God's Holy Spirit and His leading us, why do we all seem so concerned about our happiness?
Seeking our own happiness is where we get into trouble. God does not want us to be happy, contrary to what many television pastors say. God wants us to experience joy, not merely happiness. Joy can be found in worship. Joy can be found in loving others. Joy is actually found in obedience.
Don't settle for just happiness in your life. Seek joy. Seek the truth.
"8 Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, 9 for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls." - 1 Peter 1:8-9
The Voice of Truth - Casting Crowns
Thursday, July 11, 2019
Successful Love
Another early morning dream; another early morning answer to one of life's mysteries. How to love someone . . . successfully.
There are many definitions of what "successful" love might look like. Only one of them is correct and true to the meaning that God had in mind when He told us, commanded us, to "love one another".
I base this "love truth" on three Bible verses - Psalm 37:4, Luke 10:27 and John 15:13
"Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart." - Psalm 37:4
"He answered, "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" - Luke 10:27
"There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends." - John 15:13
Obviously, these things are about love but look at
Everyone wants to feel loved and these three verses tell us how to obtain that love. Here's three easy steps to obtain success in love.
1. Love God first above all others. Jesus said, "If you love me, keep my commands." Having sec with someone outside of marriage is not obeying God's commands. Talking trash about someone is not obeying God's commands. You will never find successful love if you disobey God.
2. Love your neighbor. Your neighbor is everybody, including yourself.
3. Sacrifice yourself. Always place yourself in the role of a servant. Go out of your way to demonstrate your love for someone.
God said in the Psalm verse above that He will give you the desires of your heart IF you delight in The Lord.
Sure it's possible to be "happy" in any relationship but true success comes with honoring God FIRST. And honoring Him in all that you do. THEN you will find that long-awaited answer to prayer.
I have a friend who is nearly 30 years old now. She's had many boyfriends but has never found "Mr. right." Why? Because she doesn't love God and does not demonstrate that love by the way she lives her life. Sadly, she will NEVER find the true desires of her heart.
Start with these three steps, and wait on the Lord . . . faithfully. You will not be disappointed.
Faithfully - Journey
There are many definitions of what "successful" love might look like. Only one of them is correct and true to the meaning that God had in mind when He told us, commanded us, to "love one another".
I base this "love truth" on three Bible verses - Psalm 37:4, Luke 10:27 and John 15:13
"Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart." - Psalm 37:4
"He answered, "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" - Luke 10:27
"There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends." - John 15:13
Obviously, these things are about love but look at
Everyone wants to feel loved and these three verses tell us how to obtain that love. Here's three easy steps to obtain success in love.
1. Love God first above all others. Jesus said, "If you love me, keep my commands." Having sec with someone outside of marriage is not obeying God's commands. Talking trash about someone is not obeying God's commands. You will never find successful love if you disobey God.
2. Love your neighbor. Your neighbor is everybody, including yourself.
3. Sacrifice yourself. Always place yourself in the role of a servant. Go out of your way to demonstrate your love for someone.
God said in the Psalm verse above that He will give you the desires of your heart IF you delight in The Lord.
Sure it's possible to be "happy" in any relationship but true success comes with honoring God FIRST. And honoring Him in all that you do. THEN you will find that long-awaited answer to prayer.
I have a friend who is nearly 30 years old now. She's had many boyfriends but has never found "Mr. right." Why? Because she doesn't love God and does not demonstrate that love by the way she lives her life. Sadly, she will NEVER find the true desires of her heart.
Start with these three steps, and wait on the Lord . . . faithfully. You will not be disappointed.
Faithfully - Journey
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
It's Never Too Late
A friend of mine once told me, "God could never forgive me for the things I've done." Her statement told me two things. One, she was believing a lie and, two, she simply did not know God. She only knew what she believed Him to be.
Believing a lie about someone has two possible outcomes. You can continue to believe it and live with the result of that belief, or you can examine your belief to make sure it is true.
I offer the case of Manasseh, King of Judah.
Manasseh began his reign when he was 12 years old. His father was Hezekiah, a good king. Hezekiah did what was right in the eyes of The Lord. He tore down all the worship places of the other gods. But Manasseh did not follow in his father's footsteps.
Manasseh built UP the altars of the other gods and did evil in the eyes of The Lord. Yet, despite all the evil that he did, this happened.
God spoke to Manasseh and his people but they would not listen so God punished them and sent and army against Judah and they captured Manasseh and took him away. As Manasseh lay in prison this is what he did. He prayed.
"12 In his distress he sought the favor of the Lord his God and humbled himself greatly before the God of his ancestors. 13 And when he prayed to him, the Lord was moved by his entreaty and listened to his plea; so he brought him back to Jerusalem and to his kingdom. Then Manasseh knew that the Lord is God." - 2 Chronicles 33:12-13
There is a lesson for us to learn here. Many of us go through life doing whatever we want. We're basically worshiping our own gods. God then teaches us a lesson. At that point we have a choice. What will we choose?
Manasseh chose to pray and repent. After that, Manasseh did what was right in the eyes of the Lord. His people, however, did not.
The key to Manasseh's story is his realization that he had sinned. He then repented and was forgiven. That story can happen to anyone. God is willing to forgive ANYONE as long as that person comes to The Lord humbly and honestly and seeks that forgiveness.
Is there something you need to repent of today? Pray. Seek God's forgiveness. If you do so honestly and truthfully, God is mighty to save.
Mighty To Save - Michael W. Smith
Believing a lie about someone has two possible outcomes. You can continue to believe it and live with the result of that belief, or you can examine your belief to make sure it is true.
I offer the case of Manasseh, King of Judah.
Manasseh began his reign when he was 12 years old. His father was Hezekiah, a good king. Hezekiah did what was right in the eyes of The Lord. He tore down all the worship places of the other gods. But Manasseh did not follow in his father's footsteps.
Manasseh built UP the altars of the other gods and did evil in the eyes of The Lord. Yet, despite all the evil that he did, this happened.
God spoke to Manasseh and his people but they would not listen so God punished them and sent and army against Judah and they captured Manasseh and took him away. As Manasseh lay in prison this is what he did. He prayed.
"12 In his distress he sought the favor of the Lord his God and humbled himself greatly before the God of his ancestors. 13 And when he prayed to him, the Lord was moved by his entreaty and listened to his plea; so he brought him back to Jerusalem and to his kingdom. Then Manasseh knew that the Lord is God." - 2 Chronicles 33:12-13
There is a lesson for us to learn here. Many of us go through life doing whatever we want. We're basically worshiping our own gods. God then teaches us a lesson. At that point we have a choice. What will we choose?
Manasseh chose to pray and repent. After that, Manasseh did what was right in the eyes of the Lord. His people, however, did not.
The key to Manasseh's story is his realization that he had sinned. He then repented and was forgiven. That story can happen to anyone. God is willing to forgive ANYONE as long as that person comes to The Lord humbly and honestly and seeks that forgiveness.
Is there something you need to repent of today? Pray. Seek God's forgiveness. If you do so honestly and truthfully, God is mighty to save.
Mighty To Save - Michael W. Smith
Monday, July 8, 2019
Boy, it sure doesn't take this guy long to figure things out. And to know EXACTLY what I should be doing for the rest of my life. Did you sense the sarcasm dripping off those words? I am 66 years old (13 in The Lord) and I think I am now just finally figured something out.
We all have plans. We all have an idea of where we want to go in life and what we want to do. But then, on our way to those lofty goals, things happen. Our plans get derailed, our desires change, our lives get altered and we end up someplace we never thought we'd be. And we ask ourselves, "What happened to my hopes and dreams?"
I am reading through the Old Testament book of 2nd Chronicles now so all the history of those kings was in my head this morning as I was lying in bed, praying. Each story about those kings has one thing in common. The king either did, or did not do, "what was right in the eyes of The Lord". As an example . . .
"2 Asa did what was good and right in the eyes of the Lord his God." - 2 Chronicles 14:2
That's us. That's you and me. We have an idea what WE would like to do but how often does that line up with what GOD wants us to do?
Read this passage and see what King Asa did.
"11 Then Asa called to the Lord his God and said, “Lord, there is no one like you to help the powerless against the mighty. Help us, Lord our God, for we rely on you, and in your name we have come against this vast army. Lord, you are our God; do not let mere mortals prevail against you.” - 2 Chronicles 14:11
Asa sought the Lord's help. He didn't try to do things on his own. Asa relied fully on the intervention of His God on behalf of His people. And guess what happened? God answered.
"12 The Lord struck down the Cushites before Asa and Judah." - 2 Chronicles 14:12
It doesn't say that Asa struck down the Cushites. The Lord struck them down.
How many times do we try fighting the battles that are really belonging to God? We get so intent on doing things ourselves, and doing them our way, that we never rely on the strength of The Lord and doing things HIS way. And then we wonder why we lost the battle.
'Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.' - Winston Churchill, 1948
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight " - Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust In The Lord - Hillsong Kids
We all have plans. We all have an idea of where we want to go in life and what we want to do. But then, on our way to those lofty goals, things happen. Our plans get derailed, our desires change, our lives get altered and we end up someplace we never thought we'd be. And we ask ourselves, "What happened to my hopes and dreams?"
I am reading through the Old Testament book of 2nd Chronicles now so all the history of those kings was in my head this morning as I was lying in bed, praying. Each story about those kings has one thing in common. The king either did, or did not do, "what was right in the eyes of The Lord". As an example . . .
"2 Asa did what was good and right in the eyes of the Lord his God." - 2 Chronicles 14:2
That's us. That's you and me. We have an idea what WE would like to do but how often does that line up with what GOD wants us to do?
Read this passage and see what King Asa did.
"11 Then Asa called to the Lord his God and said, “Lord, there is no one like you to help the powerless against the mighty. Help us, Lord our God, for we rely on you, and in your name we have come against this vast army. Lord, you are our God; do not let mere mortals prevail against you.” - 2 Chronicles 14:11
Asa sought the Lord's help. He didn't try to do things on his own. Asa relied fully on the intervention of His God on behalf of His people. And guess what happened? God answered.
"12 The Lord struck down the Cushites before Asa and Judah." - 2 Chronicles 14:12
It doesn't say that Asa struck down the Cushites. The Lord struck them down.
How many times do we try fighting the battles that are really belonging to God? We get so intent on doing things ourselves, and doing them our way, that we never rely on the strength of The Lord and doing things HIS way. And then we wonder why we lost the battle.
'Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.' - Winston Churchill, 1948
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight " - Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust In The Lord - Hillsong Kids
Saturday, July 6, 2019
Each time there is an earthquake someplace I always think about two things - how powerful they are and how powerless WE are. And I must confess that, when I see them happening in California, part of me says "And still they will not see."
God uses earthquakes and other phenomenon to deliver messages, or dole out punishment. Basically, God accomplishes HIS will by using events such as earthquakes, parting seas, stopping rivers, causing mighty storms and displaying heavenly signs using the stars and planets, all in an effort to get our attention or deliver a message.
Not ALL of these things are messages. But some of them have been in the past. So who's to say whether or not these things are signs or warnings of things to come? God. That's who.
God parted the Red Sea, God stopped the Jordan River from flowing, God made the shadow from the sun go backward, God created signs in the heavens and storms on the sea. Why? To remind us just how big God is and how small we are.
I've learned a few things by reading the Bible. First, it is ALWAYS a good idea to walk in God's will. Second, it is never a good idea to be disobedient with God. God is a great teacher of lessons. He will keep teaching the same lesson over and over again until we learn it. California has not learned much.
But the same can be said for us. Our government passes laws contrary to God's will. We are removing Him and His names from our governmental proceedings. Remember that phrase from our swearing in ceremonies, "so help me God?" Gone. At least in the United States House of Representatives. Watch the video below.
This nation and this world will pay the price one day when Jesus returns and sets up His throne. He will judge the living and the dead. All of us will come up lacking. Unless, of course, you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
Have you seen signs of His return? I have. Many Have. The biggest question though is "Are you ready?" The House of Representative, at least its current majority leadership, are NOT.
Come, Lord Jesus, Come!
All Who Are Thirsty - Kutless
So Help Me God Omitted
God uses earthquakes and other phenomenon to deliver messages, or dole out punishment. Basically, God accomplishes HIS will by using events such as earthquakes, parting seas, stopping rivers, causing mighty storms and displaying heavenly signs using the stars and planets, all in an effort to get our attention or deliver a message.
Not ALL of these things are messages. But some of them have been in the past. So who's to say whether or not these things are signs or warnings of things to come? God. That's who.
God parted the Red Sea, God stopped the Jordan River from flowing, God made the shadow from the sun go backward, God created signs in the heavens and storms on the sea. Why? To remind us just how big God is and how small we are.
I've learned a few things by reading the Bible. First, it is ALWAYS a good idea to walk in God's will. Second, it is never a good idea to be disobedient with God. God is a great teacher of lessons. He will keep teaching the same lesson over and over again until we learn it. California has not learned much.
But the same can be said for us. Our government passes laws contrary to God's will. We are removing Him and His names from our governmental proceedings. Remember that phrase from our swearing in ceremonies, "so help me God?" Gone. At least in the United States House of Representatives. Watch the video below.
This nation and this world will pay the price one day when Jesus returns and sets up His throne. He will judge the living and the dead. All of us will come up lacking. Unless, of course, you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
Have you seen signs of His return? I have. Many Have. The biggest question though is "Are you ready?" The House of Representative, at least its current majority leadership, are NOT.
Come, Lord Jesus, Come!
All Who Are Thirsty - Kutless
So Help Me God Omitted
God's Will,
Wednesday, July 3, 2019
Hidden Gems
Walking along the beach can be quite relaxing. Listening to the rhythmic waves as they come ashore, watching the birds flying overhead - all are very calming things to do. But have you ever tried looking for beautiful stones scattered along the shoreline?
Looking for cool stones or beautiful semi-precious works of art can also be quite relaxing. Look at the countless numbers of stones and grains of sand as you walk. Each one is unique. There are no two stones exactly alike. Kind of like you and me. We are ALL unique.
"There is gold, and an abundance of jewels; But the lips of knowledge are a more precious thing." - Proverbs 20:15
Every once in a while there are beautiful examples of God's workmanship to look at - whether stones or humans. They are precious to behold.
Reading the Bible is like walking along the shore. You can wade through it like you do when you walk along the beach, you can immerse yourself in the water, and you can also stop and examine the scriptures. There are plenty of gems to be found in its midst.
Stand on the shore sometime and try to calculate the number of grains of sand, the quantity of water drops in the sea. It cannot be done. Yet God created them all. HE knows their number.
Each individual stone on the shore is special and unique and worthy of examination. So are each of us. So is each person in our lives. Take the time, as you walk through life, to examine the people you meet along the way. Each one is precious in God's sight. They should also be precious in OUR sight as well. We are ALL precious to God.
Lake Superior Waves
Monday, July 1, 2019
The Parable of The Hummingbird Feeder
My wife and I love to watch the hummingbirds come to our feeder. We have it positioned right outside our kitchen window. When any of us sees a hummingbird at our feeder we always cry out, "Hummer!" thereby sharing the joy in knowing that one of our little friends has come for a visit.
Our faith has to have that same enjoyment and enthusiasm I think. When we see God working in our lives it seems like we too should cry out "Jesus!" or "God is here!"
That is the purpose of this blog. I write about places and events where I see God working. It is enjoyable for me to do so. I don't write to please people or increase my blog traffic. I write to honor God.
Our hummingbird feeder's sugar water became a little fermented during a recent heat wave. The hummingbirds still came but quickly left after tasting the nastiness. We then replaced the bad stuff in favor of clear, cool hummer juice and back they came.
Many churches today allow "the world" to come into its teaching. What that does is dilute the Gospel message. People begin leaving the church. God removes His blessing from its activities and the church falls apart.
That's why it is so important to stick to God's word. To always have that crisp, clear, un-tainted good news in our spiritual feeder. Anything else will leave a bad taste in the mouths of true Christians and we will leave the unworthy feeder behind.
"Therefore, laying aside falsehood, SPEAK TRUTH EACH ONE of you WITH HIS NEIGHBOR, for we are members of one another." - Ephesians 4:25
Hummingbird Pool Party
Our faith has to have that same enjoyment and enthusiasm I think. When we see God working in our lives it seems like we too should cry out "Jesus!" or "God is here!"
That is the purpose of this blog. I write about places and events where I see God working. It is enjoyable for me to do so. I don't write to please people or increase my blog traffic. I write to honor God.
Our hummingbird feeder's sugar water became a little fermented during a recent heat wave. The hummingbirds still came but quickly left after tasting the nastiness. We then replaced the bad stuff in favor of clear, cool hummer juice and back they came.
Many churches today allow "the world" to come into its teaching. What that does is dilute the Gospel message. People begin leaving the church. God removes His blessing from its activities and the church falls apart.
That's why it is so important to stick to God's word. To always have that crisp, clear, un-tainted good news in our spiritual feeder. Anything else will leave a bad taste in the mouths of true Christians and we will leave the unworthy feeder behind.
"Therefore, laying aside falsehood, SPEAK TRUTH EACH ONE of you WITH HIS NEIGHBOR, for we are members of one another." - Ephesians 4:25
Hummingbird Pool Party
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