Saturday, July 6, 2019


Each time there is an earthquake someplace I always think about two things - how powerful they are and how powerless WE are. And I must confess that, when I see them happening in California, part of me says "And still they will not see."

God uses earthquakes and other phenomenon to deliver messages, or dole out punishment. Basically, God accomplishes HIS will by using events such as earthquakes, parting seas, stopping rivers, causing mighty storms and displaying heavenly signs using the stars and planets, all in an effort to get our attention or deliver a message.

Not ALL of these things are messages. But some of them have been in the past. So who's to say whether or not these things are signs or warnings of things to come? God. That's who.

God parted the Red Sea, God stopped the Jordan River from flowing, God made the shadow from the sun go backward, God created signs in the heavens and storms on the sea. Why? To remind us just how big God is and how small we are.

I've learned a few things by reading the Bible. First, it is ALWAYS a good idea to walk in God's will. Second, it is never a good idea to be disobedient with God. God is a great teacher of lessons. He will keep teaching the same lesson over and over again until we learn it. California has not learned much.

But the same can be said for us. Our government passes laws contrary to God's will. We are removing Him and His names from our governmental proceedings. Remember that phrase from our swearing in ceremonies, "so help me God?" Gone. At least in the United States House of Representatives. Watch the video below.

This nation and this world will pay the price one day when Jesus returns and sets up His throne. He will judge the living and the dead. All of us will come up lacking. Unless, of course, you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

Have you seen signs of His return? I have. Many Have. The biggest question though is "Are you ready?" The House of Representative, at least its current majority leadership, are NOT.

Come, Lord Jesus, Come!

All Who Are Thirsty - Kutless
So Help Me God Omitted

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