Sunday, July 21, 2019

Lifest 2019 - Last Story

A funny thing happened to me on the way to the porta-potty at Lifest. Or was it on the way back? Doesn't matter. What matters is I made it to the porta-potty!!

On my way to the blue "ovens of death" I had to pass through the line of people waiting for the Ferris wheel. Sighting an opening I said, "Wow, Moses must have been here. He parted the crowd!"

I was trying to be funny (and failing) but I think God knew how much I needed to go to the bathroom. LOL!

Anyway, after I finished my business, I opened the door and saw two friends of mine approaching. We talked and walked a bit but then it was time to go - back to my seat that is. So I waded through the Ferris wheel line once again. That's when I felt someone grab my arm.

"Do you remember me?" a lady asked.

"Umm, sure!!"

Mmm, not really. The face was familiar but the name? Nope.

As she told her he guy she was with how she knew me I remembered where I had met her - walking at work during my lunch hour - four or five years ago!

At that time this lady had stopped my friend Gayle and me as we were out walking over lunch and asked us if we were Christians. Why did she ask that of us? She had seen Gayle and I praying together a few years earlier. Wow.

"Yes," Gayle and I replied all those years ago. She then proceeded to ask for prayers for her and her husband, in tears. We prayed for her right then and there.

Fast forward to Lifest again and she said, "This is my husband," introducing me to the good-looking guy with her.

"How are things?" I carefully asked. She nodded and smiled.

"Good. We're good."

I fought back the tears.

What are the chances of a meeting like that? How awesome is it that God hears our prayers. And then answers them! This year at Lifest did not disappoint those who were seeking to be recharged in their faith, or finally finding Him. The bands, the conversations - all singing God's praises and worshiping The One who makes all these things possible. Awesome!

"19 Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." - Isaiah 43:19

Completely - Jen Ledger

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