Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Hidden Gems

This summer, as you travel around this great country, take some time to stroll along a beach. You just might find something quite valuable. Like yourself . . . or God.

Walking along the beach can be quite relaxing. Listening to the rhythmic waves as they come ashore, watching the birds flying overhead - all are very calming things to do. But have you ever tried looking for beautiful stones scattered along the shoreline?

Looking for cool stones or beautiful semi-precious works of art can also be quite relaxing. Look at the countless numbers of stones and grains of sand as you walk. Each one is unique. There are no two stones exactly alike. Kind of like you and me. We are ALL unique.

"There is gold, and an abundance of jewels; But the lips of knowledge are a more precious thing." - Proverbs 20:15

Every once in a while there are beautiful examples of God's workmanship to look at - whether stones or humans. They are precious to behold.

Reading the Bible is like walking along the shore. You can wade through it like you do when you walk along the beach, you can immerse yourself in the water, and you can also stop and examine the scriptures. There are plenty of gems to be found in its midst.

Stand on the shore sometime and try to calculate the number of grains of sand, the quantity of water drops in the sea. It cannot be done. Yet God created them all. HE knows their number.

Each individual stone on the shore is special and unique and worthy of examination. So are each of us. So is each person in our lives. Take the time, as you walk through life, to examine the people you meet along the way. Each one is precious in God's sight. They should also be precious in OUR sight as well. We are ALL precious to God.

Lake Superior Waves

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