Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Lifest 2019 - Another Story

Timing, they say, is everything. That couldn't have been more evident than at Lifest this past week. I had been trying to find my friend Luke for a good portion of the day but when I did it was rather obvious that God's timing was in play.

Lifest is a big place. Lots of tents and buildings and concert venues. Trying to find someone there CAN be challenging. But eventually familiar faces begin appearing in the crowd and there you are.

I had been searching for my friend Luke for several hours. He had told be he was in the prayer tent. The only problem with that was that there are several prayer tents at Lifest. Let's just say I did more walking than I needed to that day.

When I finally found the right prayer tent, there was Luke, waiting. I sat down and we began to talk. The two ladies who ran the prayer tent left and we sat there talking all by ourselves. That's when two other ladies (and three kids) came walking up to us and asked, "Is this where you take prayer requests?"

"Uhh . . . sure!" I said. Apparently I was now running the prayer tent.

They have a large wooden cross at Lifest upon which you can nail your hand-written requests. The lady gave me her request. I read it. And that's when I knew that this particular meeting had been arranged.

The prayer request from this lady (Ruth) was for her sister (Elizabeth). Elizabeth struggles with alcohol, is in a treatment facility but is not complying with all of the rules and getting into trouble.

I said to the lady, "Interesting. I have someone in MY life who struggles with alcohol, is in a treatment facility who ALSO rebels against "the system." Interesting how you showed up just now, just as I had arrived so that I would be the one you talked to."

I asked Ruth if I could pray for here and she agreed and so we did. After they left I turned to Luke and said, "What just happened?" and laughed at how amazing God's timing can be.

We've all heard stories about frustrated people being delayed at a stop light only to later come upon an accident scene that could have easily involved them had they not been delayed. I wonder how many times God arranges things in our lives just so we will meet the people He wants us to meet.

All I know for sure is that God is amazing. He does things in ALL of our lives for His glory and our benefit. And so many times we don't even know it's happening. And if we distill the basics of this prayer encounter down we get this . . .

I was searching for someone, God provided someone else, Our meeting began and ended in prayer. All of it based in and glorifying God. All that's left to say is . . . Amen!

Amen - For King and Country

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