Wednesday, October 9, 2019


Spiritual Growth is not a class we take or something we can Google or find on YouTube - "Ten steps to Spiritual Growth". No. Spiritual growth is something that happens TO us and there is only one key ingredient to it. The Holy Spirit. And there is only one step in the process. One thing that must be done before spiritual growth can take place. We must die.

There are millions of people sitting in churches each Sunday. Most of them, in my opinion, are simply lost, doing something they think will get them into heaven. Sadly, they are lost and don't even know it. They pray prayers yet can't wait for the service to be over because the Packers game is on at noon. They need our prayers.

There are churches, however, that do contain actual children of God. They are the 20% that do the 80% of the work in the church. They deliver meals to people incapable of making them, they offer their time even when they themselves have little to give. They are "the remnant".

To grow in our faith we must come to the realization we can do nothing by ourselves to make it grow. God's Holy Spirit is the key. Step 1: Is He living in us? He should be. How can we know for sure? Well, have we changed? Changed from who we used to be? Have we surrendered everything we once were to God and to all that He wants us to be?

The picture of the empty boat above. Why did I chose it? Because that's all that should be left of us after we surrender, die to self, and follow Jesus.

"Come," he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus." - Matthew 14:29

How many of us are still in the boat "worshipping" at church instead of leaving everything behind and following Jesus? Peter denied Jesus three times yet here he was, walking on water Himself. All because He surrendered all that he was and followed Jesus' command to "come".

Has Jesus called for us to come to Him? Have we followed? Or are we still in the boat with the rest of "the disciples"?

Our faith should not be a religion. It should be active and evident as we live out our lives. The question is, are we living out our lives for Jesus? Or for ourselves?

The Voice of Truth - Casting Crowns

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