Thursday, October 17, 2019

Over Here!

I just finished reading the Old Testament. Again. I like to think of the Old Testament as being like Moses taking the Israelites through the dessert. It was a test. It took awhile. At times it was very dry. But in the end, it was oh so sweet to arrive at The Promised Land. Jesus.

That's what keeps me going back each time to read through the Bible. It's that "knowing that Jesus is coming" feeling that makes me want to keep on reading. It's like a great big treasure hunt. Jesus is the treasure. And what's really cool are all of the hints and hidden things along the way.

"14 Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel." - Isaiah 7:14

Also, there is just something about reading The Gospels. It's comforting, reassuring. It's like "we're home!" It's where we want to be. And so many time I have picked up my Bible, begun reading, and heard exactly what I needed to hear that day.

It's like being lost in the woods after dark. We can look around and see nothing in the darkness. If we only had a light to guide us, we could find our way home. The fears would melt away and we would be at peace. Then the sun rises, we locate the path we couldn't see in the dark, and we rejoin our journey. Confident in the knowledge that we are on our way towards Him.

It feels comforting because the path is where God wants us to be. He holds the lamp in His hands. "This way, my little child. The path is over here."

"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and light unto my path," - Pslam119:105

Thy Word - Michael W. Smith and Amy Grant

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